I'm with the Banned!
Ideologies of Childhood
Childhood Development Theory
Folk Tales, Fables, & Fantasy: Oh My!
Erik Erikson's Model of Development

List one of the three motives/justifications for banning a book.

What is religious belief, morality, or politics?


This term refers to the consciously and unconsciously held beliefs and values that structure/inform our attitudes and actions.

What is an ideology? 


This school of thought argues that children's development is primarily shaped by genetic characteristics beyond their control.

What is determinism (or biological determinism)?


Stories used to illustrate a moral principle or religious truth. Ex: The Mustard Seed, the Sower

What are parables?


Trust vs. Mistrust

What is the infancy stage?


This book was the first book in the United States of America to prompt the following Supreme Court Cases that resulted in book banning practices.

What is Uncle Tom's Cabin?


This era believed that children should be trained practical survival skills, since imminent danger was constant and civilization wasn't quite as developed to value stories for aesthetic purposes alone.

What is the Cave Painting/Agrarian Folklore era?


This school of thought argues that children's behaviors and traits are learned through their environmental influences. 

What is social constructivism?


A story that uses stereotypical traits of animals to create a clever, sometimes ironic demonstration of human frailty/moral lesson.

What is an animal fable?


Autonomy vs. Shame/Doubt

What is the early childhood stage?

This group started celebrating Banned Books Week annually during the Regan Administration; the tradition continues to this day.

What is the American Library Association?


In the 1500s, the view of children was that they were tainted with this religiously based phenomenon from birth, and must be instructed to avoid evil and the natural inclination to do wrong. Name this phenomenon.

What is original sin?


List any of the three structures/systems that shape human development.

What is: embodiment, language, or community?


A tale associated with a specific culture/tradition that explain “why” things are how they are.

What is a pourquoi tale?


Initiative vs. Guilt

What is the pre-school stage?

This book following the journey of a pig in the farmyard, was banned because of objections to talking animals appearing in children's stories, which was clearly against God's plan for creation.

What is Charlotte's Web?


This famous English philosopher argued that children were "tabula raisa" (or blank slates), ready to be shaped by whatever moral influences they were exposed to.

Who is John Locke?


This refers to the ability of a child to differentiate between their own thoughts, motives, identity and someone else's. 

What is Theory of Mind


A long, drawn-out story (that originated in Iceland) that usually tell the family history, lineage of kings, and/or origins of deities.

What is a saga?


Industry vs. Inferiority 

What is the school aged stage?


This book was subject to it's own 1933 Supreme Court Case determining if it was "serious" literature or obscene.

What is Ulysses by James Joyce?


List some of the key aspects described by Coats to define the ideology of childhood today. 

What are: diversity of experience and perspective, positive representation of intersectional identities, and/or the distinction between childhood and adolescence?


This term refers to the internal representation of an external reality.

What is a mental model?


Bakhtin defines this special kind of setting as "the intrinsic connectedness of temporal and spatial relationships that are artistically expressed in literature." Ex: The Woods.

What is chronotype? 


Identity vs. Role Confusion

What is the adolescent stage?