These three musicians pioneered the contenance angloise.
Who are Dunstable, Binchois, and Du Fay?
Contenance Angloise, translated into English.
What is "English Quality?"
Medieval chansons were based off of this type of literature.
What is "secular love poetry?"
Early 15th Century polyphonic compositions had this many voices in them.
What are "three voices?"
This document is the oldest surviving collection of English music from the 15th Century.
What is the "Old Hall Manuscript?"
This style of song was assimilated into the Continent after first appearing in the English Aisles.
What is "Fauxbourdon?"
A motto mass makes use of this, which appears in every movement of the work.
What is a "head-motive?"
In English chant with three voices, the unmodified melody- or Cantus Firmus- is usually in which voice?
What is the "middle voice?"
A type of religious text, except with a lower-case "m."
What is a "mass cycle?"
This duchy was so powerful, it even rivaled the French Crown.
What is "Burgundy?"
The medieval carol came from this kind of activity.
What is a folk dance?
The parts to a four-voice choir.
What are "superius," "altus," "tenor," & "bassus."
This was Binchois' real name.
What is "Gilles de Bins?"
This is the meaning of the word "cosmopolitan."
What is "encompassing perspectives of different people and different countries?"
The medieval carol was typically written in these two languages.
What are "English & Latin?"
These two voices were typically written out in the style of fauxbourdon.
What are the "cantus" and "tenor?"
This city was the capitol of the Duchy of Burgundy.
What is "Dijon?"
These are the five parts of the Mass Ordinary.
What are "kyrie, gloria, credo, sanctus, and agnus dei?"
This is the most-widely accepted definition of a motet.
What is "a sacred song written for multiple voices?"
A chanson was typically written in these two time signatures.
What are "3/4" and "6/8?"