"Witan" is an old word for... ?
... a national council
When was Magna Carta written?
In 1215
Which Edward became king in 1327?
Edward III
In which decade does the House of Commons (and not the king) get to decide over new taxes?
In 1407
What does the Ballot Act introduce in 1872?
The Ballot Act introduces secret ballot at elections
An old word for "an assembly held for debate"...
... moot
What does "Magna Carta" mean literally?
"Great Document"
What are the "burgesses"?
The representatives of the towns
What is the name of the building where the English parliament resides?
The Representation of the People Act is extended in 1918 - how?
The Act gives the right to vote to all men over 21 and most women over 30
The origins of English Parliament go back to the period from the ... century to the ... century. Name the two centuries.
From the 8th to the 11th centuries
King John gave off power by signing Magna Carta - how?
The king gave the right to the barons (nobility) to consult with the king and advise him
What is the role of the Speaker of the House of Commons?
It is a member selected to chair meetings and represent the views of the House of Commons
In 1429 you could only vote in county elections if you owned property worth... how many shillings?
40 shillings
In what year do all women over 21 get the right to vote?
In 1928
A king began to summon noblemen as advisors in what was known as the Great Council (magnum concilium). What is this council called today in modern England?
The House of Lords
Which word for a "Great Council" is used for the first time in 1236?
The term Parliament
Two periods of Parliament have been described with each their adjective - which adjectives?
Wonderful Parliament and Merciless Parliament
What happened to Peter Wentworth when he argued for free speech in Parliament (in 1576)?
He was punished and imprisonned in the Tower of London
How many seats in the House of Commons does Scotland get in 1707?
Scotland is allocated 45 seats in the House of Commons
Who decided if there was to be a meeting between the king and his leading advisors and nobles?
The king
Representatives of the counties and of the towns met for the first time in 1332. What was this assembly called?
The Commons
Name a period of fifty years when the Lords and the House of Commons were summoned annually? (From... to...)
From 1327 to 1485 (158 years) they met annually (except 42 years)
What does Sir Thomas More become famous for (in 1523)?
He makes the first known request for free speech in Parliament
In what year do all men and women over 18 get the right to vote?
In 1969