Sentence Structure
Language & Rhetoric

This part of speech can be the subject of a sentence, and it is a person, place, thing, or idea.

What is a noun?


This is another word for an incomplete sentence.

What is a fragment?


In the reading "When the Land is Stepped on, the Sky Above it Must be upheld," the author has to change this.

What is her name?


This is considered the first step in the writing process, and it involves using different techniques, such as free-writing or clustering to come up with ideas.

What is prewriting? 


This is a group of sentences about one subject. When you move on to a new subject you should begin a new one of these.

What is a paragraph?

Every sentence should have one of these, and it is usually an action or a state of being.

What is a verb?


This is created when two or more complete sentences are joined together without correct connecting words or punctuation.

What is a run-on?


In the essay "Mute in an English Only World" the author seems to feel that his mother is mute because of this?

What is "she doesn't speak English as a native speaker," or "she doesn't speak English Well," or "English isn't her first language".


This part of an essay introduces the topic and includes the thesis statement.

What is an introduction?


This sentence states the main idea of a paragraph.

What is a topic sentence?


These words are used to take the place of a noun, and they must 'agree' in number and person with the noun they are replacing.

What is a pronoun?


This is a type of sentence error that combines two or more complete sentences without correct connecting words, but it does include a comma?

What is a comma splice?


In the essay "Letter to a Child Like Me," the author states that this has been his greatest enemy, and he implies that it's the greatest enemy of most people.

What is fear?


This is often the third step in the writing process, and it occurs after the writer has received feedback. During this step the writer should try to re-see the paper and make improvements.

What is revision?


This way of organizing your writing is based on arranging a series of events in time order, and it is another word for story.

What is narrative?


These words modify or add something to nouns?

What are adjectives?


All sentence should have these three things?

What is subject, verb, and complete thought?


When something and you write one of these, you condense a reading down to ten or twenty percent of the original, you include only main ideas, and you do not include opinions.

What is a summary?


This part of an essay explains or proves the writer's thesis statement.

What is the body?


This way of organizing your writing focuses on the similarities and differences between two subjects.

What is comparison (or comparison contrast)?


These words modify or add something to verbs?

What are adverbs?


These special words can be used together with a comma to connect two complete sentences. You can remember them by using this seven letter acronym.

What is FANBOYS?


In his essay "Work Like a Dog," Charles Neuman suggest dog have Buddha Nature because they alway focus on this.

What is the present (or present moment)?


This sentence that is normally near the end of the first paragraph of an essay, includes the subject of the essay and an opinion about the subject.

What is a thesis (or thesis statement)?


This way of organizing your writing provides step by step instructions, and like a narrative, it also uses chronological (time) order.

What is process (or process analysis) writing?