8 Parts of Speech
Sentence Structure
Essay Writing

This part of speech is a person, place, thing, or idea.

What is a noun?


These are the three things a sentence must have.

What is subject, verb, and complete thought?


This type of paragraph is a series of events (story) told in chronological order.

What is a narrative?


This part of the essay usually contains a 'hook' to get the reader's attention, and includes a thesis statement.

What is an introduction? 

By reading and understanding a text, and then condensing it down to 10-20% of the original, you are creating this?

What is a summary?


This part of speech is normally an action or state of being, and is an essential part of every sentence.

What is a verb?


This type of sentence error has too much information without proper punctuation.

What is a run-on sentence?


This type of paragraph uses some or all of the five senses to 'paint a picture' with words.

What is a description?


This part of the essay contains evidence and support for the writer's thesis statement.

What is the body?


If you include the exact words of someone else in your writing, you are using one of these?

What is a quotation?


This part of speech takes the place of a noun, and it can be the subject of a sentence.

What is a pronoun?


This type of sentence error is missing a subject, verb, or complete thought. 

What is a fragment?


This type of paragraph focuses on the similarities and/or differences between two things or ideas.

What is a comparison-contrast?


This part of the essay may summarize or restate the author's main ideas.

What is the conclusion?


In the short story "Out of the Silence" how does Tessa die?

What is a car crash?

This part of speech modifies nouns.

What is an adjective?


You often correct a run-on sentence by adding a comma and a coordinating conjunction. This acronym can help you remember the 7 coordinating conjunctions.

What is FANBOYS?


This type of paragraph uses chronological order, and explains how to do something or how something works.

What is a process analysis?


If you use emotions to persuade someone, which of the three major appeals are you using?

What is pathos?


In the story "The Native Lawyer" what does Salvador indirectly compare to the eggs that were given to Manuel?

What are beans?


This part of speech is often used to modify verbs.

What is a an adverb?


Like a run-on sentence, this type of sentence error has too much information, but this type of error does have a comma.

What is a comma splice?


This sentence is part of most paragraphs, and contains the main idea of the paragraph. 

What is a topic sentence?


If you try to persuade someone based mostly on your reputation or the reputations of someone else, which of the three major appeals are you using?

What is ethos?


In the short story "Miss Brill" what is the main character wearing that is made fun of by the young people in the public garden?

What is a fox fur?