
Grant never wants to share his things. When his friends come over, he will only let them play with the toys that he does not want to play with. He does not ever give his friends a chance to use his things or share any of his snacks or treats. 

Grant is...

A. selfish

B. friendly

C. polite

A. selfish


The __________ introduces the characters and setting.

A. plot

B. exposition

C. climax

B. exposition


They couldn't decide where to go for dinner because she wanted burgers but he wanted pizza.

What point of view is this?

Third Person


__________ irony occurs when someone says one thing but means the opposite.

A. situational

B. verbal

C. dramatic

B. verbal


A struggle between two opposing forces is called ___________.

A. character vs. character

B. plot

C. conflict

C. conflict


Instead of getting started on his work right away, Joey stares out the window, drops his pencil on the floor, and asks his friend to pick it up.

What can you infer about Joey's character?

A. bored

B. lazy

C. nervous

A. lazy


The _____________ brings the story to a close.

A. climax

B. suspense

C. falling action

C. falling action


I could see the finish line ahead.  I picked up my pace and sprinted to cross the line before CJ.

What point of view is this?

First Person


A robbery at a police station would be an example of __________ irony.

A. verbal

B. dramatic

C. situational

C. situational


Where and when the story takes place is called the _____.

A. plot

B. setting

C. structure

B. setting


Mary had been trying to solve the same math problem for an hour. She kept writing and rewriting the problem over and over again. When she kept getting the wrong answer, she put her hands on her head, leaned back in her chair and said, “I quit!!!!"

Mari is...

A. happy

B. sleepy

C. frustrated

C. frustrated


The ___________ is the lesson learned or moral of the story.

A. plot

B. theme

C. climax

B. theme


The ____________ is the voice that tells the story.

A. speaker

B. narrator

C. point of view

B. narrator


In Toy Story, Buzz thinks he's real, even though we all know he is a toy.  What kind of iron is this?

A. dramatic

B. verbal

C. situational

A. dramatic


The series of events that make up a story is called _____.

A. plot

B. setting

C. character

A. plot


Jose was jumping up and down and watching out the window. He could not wait for his mother to get home. She was bringing his new baby sister home for the first time. He wanted to see her and play with her for the first time.  

Jose is...

A. excited

B. mad

C. jealous

A. excited


The ______________ builds the suspense in the story.

A. rising action

B. climax

C. characters

A. rising action


Third person ___________ is when the author reveals the thoughts and feelings of one character.

A. limited

B. omniscient

C. prohibition

A. limited


A pilot who is afraid of heights is an example of ____________ irony.

A. situational

B. verbal

C. dramatic

A. situational


In Romeo and Juliet, the audience knows that Juliet is only asleep-not dead-but Romeo does not. Romeo chooses to end his life.  This is an example of _______ irony.

A. situational

B. dramatic

C. verbal

B. dramatic


Hudson does not want anyone to help him with his chores, Even though there are a lot of clothes to put away, he wants to do it all by himself. He wants everyone to stay out of his room when he is cleaning it so he can do it all alone. 

Hudson is...

A. bossy

B. friendly

C. independent

C. independent


The turning point of the story is the _____________.

A. falling action

B. suspense

C. climax

C. climax


Third person ____________ is when the author reveals the thoughts and feelings of more than one character.

A. limited

B. omniscient

C. proactive

B. omniscient


When the audience knows something that the character(s) do not, it's called ____________ irony.

A. situational

B. dramatic

C. verbal

B. dramatic


A person make a comment on Facebook about how lame Facebook is.  This is an example of _________ irony.

A. verbal

B. situational

C. dramatic

B. situational