Missing Works Cited Pieces
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The Art of Summarizing
The Art of Quoting

This is missing from this Works Cited Page entry: 

A journal article: 

Matteson, Miriam L. “The Whole Student: Cognition, Emotion, and Information Literacy.” College and Research Libraries,  no. 6, Nov. 2014, pp. 862-77. 

What is a volume number? 


Matteson, Miriam L. “The Whole Student: Cognition, Emotion, and Information Literacy.” College and Research Libraries, vol.75, no. 6, Nov. 2014, pp. 862-77.


This is the missing element in this parenthetical citation using MLA citation style: 

As the text opens, we are reminded that: "There was no possibility of taking a walk that day (Bronte)."  

What is a page number?


As the text opens, we are reminded that: "There was no possibility of taking a walk that day (Bronte 1)."  


An effective summary needs all of the following EXCEPT: 

1. It must stay truthful to the original author's statement.

2. It must emphasize aspects of what the author says that interest you as a writer. 

3. It must be short.

4.  It must balance both concepts and ideas. 

What is  "it must be short?"

The length of a summary should be similar to the source information described.


Graf at al. describe "words that have been taken from their original contexts and that need to be integrated into their new textual surroundings (43)" as these? 

What are "orphans?" 


 Metacommentary can be thought of as a sort of second text, what Graff et al. call this. 

What is a meta text? 


This is missing from this Works Cited Page entry: 

An episode of a television series: 

“Comic Sans.” Orange is the New Black, created by Jenji Kohan, performance by Taylor Schilling, season 2, episode 7,  2014. 

What is a publisher or content holder? 


“Comic Sans.” Orange is the New Black, created by Jenji Kohan, performance by Taylor Schilling, season 2, episode 7, Netflix, 2014.


This is the missing element in this parenthetical citation using MLA Citation Style: 

We see so many global warming hotspots in North America likely because this region has “more readily accessible climatic data and more comprehensive programs to monitor and study environmental change...” (6).

What is a title? 


We see so many global warming hotspots in North America likely because this region has “more readily accessible climatic data and more comprehensive programs to monitor and study environmental change...” ("Title" 6).


The answer is either True or False: 

To write an effective summary, writers must step outside of their own beliefs and into someone else's shoes. 

What is True?  

As Graff et al. tell us: 

"To write a really good summary, you must be able to suspend your own beliefs for a time and put yourself in the shoes of someone else (31)".


Any quotations you select for use in a paper must be this. 

What is relevant to your topic and ideas?

The main text of a work says something but the metatext does this. 

What is shows readers how to think about the text?


This is missing from this Works Cited Page entry: 

A song: 

Adele. “Hello.” 25. XL Recordings,. 

What is a publication year? 

Adele. “Hello.” 25. XL Recordings, 2015.


This is the missing element in this parenthetical citation using MLA Citation Style: 

(The Work has two authors)

A 2016 study suggests that stricter gun control in the United States will significantly prevent accidental shootings (Strong 23).  

What is the other author's name? 


A 2016 study suggests that stricter gun control in the United States will significantly prevent accidental shootings (Strong and Ellis 23).  


This is a game introduced by critic and Harvard Professor Peter Elbow, and argues that writers should always try to inhabit the worldview of those whose conversation you are joining, or those whose work you are reading, even when you disagree with them.   

What is "The believing game"? 


It is important to do this, giving your chosen quotations relevance and explaining their meaning in your paper. 

What is framing them? 


These work as metacommentary because they tell readers what the text is about before they've begun reading the work.

What are titles?


This is missing from this Works Cited Page entry: 

A blog entry: 

Clancy, Kate. “Defensive Scholarly Writing and Science Communication.” Context and Variation, Scientific American Blogs, 24 Apr. 2013, 

What is a URL? 

Clancy, Kate. “Defensive Scholarly Writing and Science Communication.” Context and Variation, Scientific American Blogs, 24 Apr. 2013,blogs.scientificamerican.com/context-and-variation/defensive-scholarly-writing-and-science-communication.  


This is the missing element in this parenthetical citation using MLA Citation Style: 

(The work is an indirect source) 

Ravitch argues that high schools are pressured to act as “social service centers, and they don't do that well” (Weisman 259).

What is an abbreviation indicating that the author was quoted in the source? 


Ravitch argues that high schools are pressured to act as “social service centers, and they don't do that well” (qtd. in Weisman 259).


The answer is either True or False: 

Summaries should present your own ideas or opinions of the argument you are responding to. 

What is False? 

Summaries should  tell your readers the argument that you are responding to. They should NOT present your own ideas or opinions of the argument. 


Failing to introduce a quotation adequately or explaining why it is worth quoting means that readers will have a hard time understanding the context of the source. A cartoon from class refers to this act as being this type of quoter. 

What is Hit and Run?


The Joker and this Marvel character provide great examples of metacommentary. 

Who is Deadpool?


This is missing from this Works Cited Page entry: 

A You Tube Video: 

"How Victorian Children's Toys Caused Chilling Deaths|Absolute History."  uploaded by Absolute History, 17, October, 2019, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Im4iekcPlc0

What is YouTube

"How Victorian Children's Toys Caused Chilling Deaths|Absolute History." YouTube, uploaded by Absolute History, 17, October, 2019, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Im4iekcPlc0


This is the missing element in this parenthetical citation using MLA Citation Style: 

A scene from a television episode: 

Buffy’s promise that “there’s not going to be any incidents like at my old school” is obviously not one on which she can follow through (“Hush”).

What is a timestamp? 


Buffy’s promise that “there’s not going to be any incidents like at my old school” is obviously not one on which she can follow through (“Hush”00:03:16-17).


When a writer does not provide a detailed enough summary of a source and its ideas, they risk losing this. 

What is the main point of the argument? 


To set up quotes adequately, we can think of a technique, like the paragraph burger, which is called this. 

What is a quotation sandwich? 

Similar to the idea of the “paragraph burger”, we can set up quotations by thinking of the statement introducing the quotation as the top slide of bread, and the explanation that follows it as the bottom slice.   In the middle of the “sandwich”, our “filling” or the quotation itself, takes center stage.

The introduction “slice” should lead into the quotation, by explaining who is speaking and what the quotation says.  The follow up statements should also explain why you consider the quotation to be important, and what you take the statement to say.


There are seven reasons to use metacommentary.  This is one of them. 

What is:

Warding off potential misunderstandings

Elaborating on previously discussed ideas

Providing a roadmap for the text of the paper

Moving from a general claim to a more specific example

Indicating that a claim is more, less, or equally important 

Explaining a claim when you anticipate objections 

Guiding readers to your most general point