"It's No One's Fault..."
"St. Lucy's"
"All Summer in a Day"
"The Man in the Well"
"The Lottery"

This psychological phenomenon occurs when people lose their sense of self and act differently in a group than they would alone

What is deindividuation?


In St. Lucy’s Home for Girls Raised by Wolves, the girls are taught to adapt to this type of society

What is human society?


This planet, known for its constant rain and cloud cover, serves as the setting for All Summer in a Day

What is Venus?

What the children call the man in the well. 

What is "the man"? 


The townspeople draw slips of paper from this object, which symbolizes the tradition of the lottery.

What is the Black Box? 


At a 1979 concert by this band, a crowd surge caused the deaths of 11 people, highlighting the dangers of deindividuation.

What is The Who? 


This character is the narrator of St. Lucy’s Home for Girls Raised by Wolves.

Who is Claudette? 


The story centers around a girl named Margot, who is different from her classmates because she remembers experiencing this rare event on Venus

What is the seeing the sun? 

What the children were playing when they discovered the man in the well. 

What is Hide and Seek? 


The person who conducts the lottery and oversees the drawing of names each year is named this.

Who is Mr. Summers? 


In deindividuation, this factor allows people to feel unaccountable for their actions because they are part of a group.

What is diffused responsibility? 


This girl excels in adjusting to human ways and becomes the "star" pupil at St. Lucy’s, making her a rival to Claudette

Who is Jeanette? 


How often does the sun come out on Venus, according to the story?

What is every 7 years? 


The ultimate decision the children made in regards to helping the man. 

What is to not help him? 


This character is ultimately chosen as the "winner" of the lottery, leading to a shocking and violent conclusion.

Who is Tessie Hutchinson?


This concept, demonstrated in a 1970s Halloween experiment, shows how being unknown in a group leads to more rule-breaking behavior.

What is anonymity? 


In St. Lucy's Home for Girls Raised by Wolves, the girls initially rely on this instinctual form of social structure, which clashes with their new human teachings.

What is the pack mentality? 


Describe the feelings of the children when the sun finally appears. How do their emotions shift?

What is initially joyful, but then regretful because of what they did to Margot? 
The emotion the children felt as they were running away from the well. 

What is panic? 


The story critiques this aspect of society, where people blindly follow customs without questioning their morality or necessity.

What is tradition? 


In his 1895 book The Crowd: A Study of the Popular Mind, this French polymath explored how individuals lose their sense of self in large groups.

Who was Gustave LeBon?


Throughout St. Lucy's Home for Girls Raised by Wolves, Claudette experiences this gradual transformation, shifting from her wild instincts to conforming to human behaviors.

What is assimilation or integration? 

The author of the story.

Who is Ray Bradbury? 


What mistake Wendy made when talking to the man in the well. 

What is to give Aaron's name away? 


The story’s use of this literary device creates a stark contrast between the seemingly ordinary setting and the horrifying conclusion of the lottery.

What is a irony?