You claim should answer this
research question or just question
In this animated film, a single father must search far and wide for his lost son.
Finding Nemo
This aptly named show is about a teacher turned criminal mastermind following his terminal cancer diagnosis.
Breaking Bad
Which month has 28 days?
what do you use to support a claim?
This movie was released last summer and helps fill Mr. E's history void....some people doubled up their theater viewing with Barbie
Not your old fashioned family, Phil, Claire, Jay, Gloria, Cam, and Mitchell are the parents that all make up this show.
Modern Family
What goes up and down but doesn't move?
The opposing viewpoint of the author is expressed with this statement
Oh snap! This ensemble movie left everyone with a tantalizing, and sad, cliffhanger back in 2018.
Avengers: Infinity War
Ted Lasso
What has a head and a tail but no body?
a coin
Where are claims found in essays and articles?
at the end of the introduction
Dr. Pepper
No, you're not dreaming. Leo DiCaprio stars in this psychological heist movie about dreams within dreams.
TV show about a work place romance and the stupid things their boss does
The Office
What has 3 feet but can't walk?
Every claim needs to meet these three criteria
5 Guys
This movie, released in 2008, about the Caped Crusader saw Heath Ledger win the Academy Award for Best Supporting Actor, awarded after his tragic death. (I went to see this movie 4 times in theaters)
Batman: The Dark Knight
Murder, deception, plots...all for an iron chair
Game of Thrones
I have cities, but no houses. I have mountains, but no trees. I have water, but no fish. What am I?
a map