You wanted to know more about the effects of climate change for your assignment. Which is the best source you could use?

 A. news reports about nature 

B. conversations with a science teacher 

C. panel discussions about natural disasters 

D. scientific journals on environmental systems



If you want to show the summary of “Daedalus and Icarus” through a textual aid, what would you use? 

A. diagram timeline 

B. outline 

C. plot line

D. timeline

If you want to show the summary of “Daedalus and Icarus” through a textual aid, what would you use? A. diagram timeline B. outline C. plot line D. timeline


In Greek mythology, Zeus is associated to lightning, and lightning is associated to fertility of the land. What purpose of mythology is shown in this? 

A. In mythology, ancient people explained the existence of evil through myths. 

B. In mythology, the gods and goddesses provide the needs of the mortals. 

C. Myths were used to explain natural phenomena. 

D. Myths were used to teach the young people about life.

C. Myths were used to explain natural phenomena. 


Analytical listening is a skill that involves problem solving, decision making, and critical thinking. Which of these acts shows analytical listening? 

A. Daydreaming while a religious leader is delivering a message 

B. Listening to the top ten songs on the radio while doing household chores 

C. Evaluating the platforms presented by a local candidate during his meeting de avance 

D. Arguing with one’s mother while she is talking about how to improve performance in school

C. Evaluating the platforms presented by a local candidate during his meeting de avance


How can you overcome bias when learning new ideas?
A. Be open-minded
B. Stick to beliefs
C. Read with interest
D. Focus on work

A. Be open-minded


You read an article about the advantages of Covid-19 vaccines, but you do not agree with some of the ideas. What is being observed in this scenario? 

A. alternative thinking

B. appreciative thinking

 C. critical thinking 

D. literal thinking

A. alternative thinking


You wanted to compare and contrast your family’s electrical consumption and conservation for the past two months. What textual aid is best for you to use? 

A. line graph 

B. pie graph

C. table 

D. Venn diagram

A. line graph


If the life story of Macli-ing Dulag were made into a film, which of these elements would add to the authenticity of the movie? 

A. The actors will don camisa de chino and Filipiniana attire. 

B. The setting will be in Kalinga and during the Marcos regime. 

C. The Sipat Peace Talks will be included in the final cut of the film. 

D. The main characters are the current heartthrobs in the movie industry.

B. The setting will be in Kalinga and during the Marcos regime.


“But Cronus inherited the fear of his father and believed that one of his offspring would later take his throne. So, when they were born, he swallowed them.” What mood is more likely created by this passage from Clash of the Titans? 

A. excitement 

B. fear 

C. gloom 

D. happy

B. fear


Which is the best strategy for note-taking during a lecture?
A. Write everything the speaker says
B. Listen carefully to understand
C. Take notes on necessary details
D. Listen carefully and take important notes

D. Listen carefully and take important notes


Our prior knowledge affects our reception of new ideas in a positive or negative way. Which could be the best way to learn despite this possible hindrance? 

A. Be open-minded and avoid pre-judgment.

B. Stick to what you believe in. 

C. Listen or read with interest. 

D. Focus on the work at hand.

A. Be open-minded and avoid pre-judgment.  


The movies “Clash of the Titans,” its sequel, and “Wonder Woman (2017)” are classified under which of the following genres? 

A. fantasy 

B. horror 

C. parody

D. Science fiction

D. Science fiction


Newspaper readership has declined due to the availability of smartphones and other gadgets. What makes an online news article more preferable than its print version? 

A. It is more accessible anytime and anywhere. 

B. It gets updated from time to time, especially within the day. 

C. It contains related videos and provides links to other related articles. 

D. All of the above.

D. All of the above.


“Zeus took Prometheus to a high mountain, and every day, he would send an eagle that ate Prometheus’ liver until the great hero Heracles (Hercules), Zeus’ demigod son, released him finally from his torment after 30 years.” Which among the statements below can be inferred from the passage? A. The fruit can be different from the tree. 

B. Nothing destroys iron but its own corrosion. 

C. Unity is achieved when all will work with one goal. D. Learn to be humble when on top of the mountain.

A. The fruit can be different from the tree


In the Denzel Washington interview, which phrase is a synonym for "incarcerate"?
A. Blame
B. Legal system
C. Lock up
D. Little Yummy

C. Lock up


There are techniques to learn easily whether the information is perceived through listening or reading. Who among the following did the best approach? 

A. Amy wrote everything the speaker had said.

B. Brenda listened intently to understand the topic. C. Christian took notes of the necessary information. D. David listened intently and took notes of important information.

D. David listened intently and took notes of important information.


Which of the following genres is often reviewed for accuracy in terms of its setting, social conditions, and characterization? 

A. fantasy 

B. parody 

C. historical fiction

D. Science fiction

C. historical fiction


A recent survey shows that Presidential Candidate dela Cruz ranks first among the 10 aspirants, but a news report on radio said that Candidate Suarez had the largest group of attendees in all presidentiable motorcades. Which source is the more reliable basis for knowing the leading candidate? 

A. The news report 

B. The result of the survey 

C. The opinion of the motorists 

D. The number of posted tarpaulins

A. The news report


How will you convince your cousins to cancel their trip due to Covid-19?
A. Show them a Facebook post
B. Suggest other vacation spots
C. Cite WHO and DOH
D. Show local government reports

D. Show local government reports


Which feature is more commonly found in online articles than in print articles?
A. Detailed photographs
B. Editorial sections
C. Embedded videos and hyperlinks
D. Daily news updates

C. Embedded videos and hyperlinks


If you want to present the total population of CAR to show the differences among provinces and cities, and to show the male-female ratio of the total population, what is the best textual aid to use? 

A. bar graph B. pie graph

C. line graph D. Venn diagram

B. pie graph


Movie adaptations of myths, novels, and plays do not always remain faithful to the source material. What could be the production team’s reason behind this? A. The visual medium is totally different from the printed material. 

B. They lack the resources to recreate the actual scenes in the original material. 

C. They might not have been allowed by the authors to stay true to the source material. 

D. They need to fit the material to the context of the present time and the preferences of the viewers.

D. They need to fit the material to the context of the present time and the preferences of the viewers.


Garry just graduated from college and is now looking for a job. What source of information is most accessible and effective for him? 

A. Facebook posts 

B. flyers 

C. government and corporate websites 

D. newspapers and magazines

C. government and corporate websites


How would you correctly quote Mark Zuckerberg?
A. “Purpose creates true happiness.” – Mark Zuckerberg
B. Zuckerberg (2017) stated happiness creates purpose.
C. “Purpose creates true happiness,” said Mark Zuckerberg.
D. Zuckerberg said purpose is bigger than yourself

B. Zuckerberg (2017) stated happiness creates purpose.


What is a common disadvantage of online news articles?
A. They often include pop-up ads
B. They cannot be accessed anytime
C. They are slower to publish
D. They provide fewer images

A. They often include pop-up ads