Name the grammatical error:
Nancy was originally sad that her friends were partying in Vegas without her, however, now she's glad she took a summer class.
(to be specific, COMMA SPLICE)
Correct the following:
Linda enjoys a variety of hobbies. Such as, traveling, cooking, and reading.
Linda enjoys a variety of hobbies, such as traveling, cooking, and reading.
Name two reasons why journal articles are more reliable than newspaper articles
Written by experts on the topic
It was reviewed by experts on the topic
Firsthand evidence (the articles are typically written by the researcher who conducted the study)
More thorough
These are three traits of an effective thesis statement in English 100.
--focused enough for a 5-6 page essay
--include "because" section
--concise (1-2 sentences)
Please match these up correctly:
Titles of articles (and other short works)
Titles of journals (and other long works)
Quotation Marks
What is Titles of articles (and other short works): Quotation Marks
Titles of journals (and other long works): Italics (or underline if writing by hand)
This is the definition of a sentence fragment
What is a group of words that cannot stand alone as its own sentence?
Which is correct?
A) There are political changes taking place that will affect community college students across the state.
B) There are political changes taking place that will effect community college students across the state.
A) There are political changes taking place that will affect community college students across the state.
Why is it sometimes more helpful to find sources via our databases (instead of google)?
--Can select specific databases that relate to your topic
--Can focus just on specific types of scholarly works
Name THREE specific places in which you can address a counterargument in your essay
Towards the beginning before your supporting points
Immediately a supporting point or piece of evidence
As its own paragraph before the Conclusion
If you take a few sentences from a source and change words here and there, you definitely need to include a citation, but you don't need to use quotation marks.
True or False?
What is FALSE?
This is what FANBOYS stands for.
The 7 coordinating conjunctions: FOR, AND, NOR, BUT, OR, YET, SO
The growth mindset formula:
Growth/Learning=Effort + _____ + ________
Help from others + Smart strategies
You found a TIME magazine article on your research topic, and it contains several relevant quotes from experts on your topic. Should you use this article in your essay or not? EXPLAIN YOUR ANSWER.
Answers will vary. :)
These are three components of an Introduction
You are quoting Coach McKeever in your essay, who is quoted in an article written by Holly Schroth. Whose name do you put in the citation after the quote?
Correct the following fragment:
I generally think rodents are very cute animals. Although I'm a little afraid of hamsters.
I generally think rodents are very cute animals although I'm a little afraid of hamsters.
Atul Gawande's book invites readers to rethink these two aspects of being mortal:
You've found an article that addresses your research question PERFECTLY and it refers to numerous studies as evidence. However, the author did not mention where those studies were conducted or by whom. Is this a useful article or not? EXPLAIN YOUR ANSWER.
Answers will vary :)
Name two possible ways to respond to a counterargument
1) Show that it is false
2) Acknowledge that it may be true--> then explain HOW/WHY your argument is still valid even though the counterargument is true.
You're researching the topic of how multitasking when studying affects learning and your EBSCO search brings up 10,000 results, and these are FOUR different strategies you can use to narrow your results. (Your search terms were "multitasking" "learning.")
Answers will vary.
Correct the following run-on 4 different ways: I generally like rodents, I don't like hamsters that much.
I generally like rodents, but I don't like hamsters that much. I generally like rodents; I don't like hamsters that much. I generally like rodents. I don't like hamsters that much. Even thought I generally like rodents, I don't like hamsters that much.
What is metacommentary?
When should you include it in your essay?
What is one phrase you can use to introduce metacommentary?
Commenting on or explaining something you just said.
To clarify, to prevent readers from misinterpreting your words
"In other words..."
Imagine that you have a relevant article in researching your topic. How will you decide if it's a credible enough article to use in your essay? List at least three criteria or questions that you would ask yourself in arriving at a decision.
--Author's credentials
--Reputation of publication
--Reliability of evidence
All the information you can consider including BEFORE you include a quote in your essay
What are: --source and credentials --type of source and summary --context for that quote
Imagine that you have a relevant article in researching your topic. How will you decide if it's a credible enough article to use in your essay? List at least three criteria or questions that you would ask yourself in arriving at a decision.
Answers will vary.