Class Policies
Academic Honesty

In the first week, one of your first assignments is to purchase this.

What is The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian.


If a student accrues five of these, they may be dropped from the class.

What are absences?


This is how the professor spells her first name, so it's also how you should spell it if you want to send her an email.

What is "Ashly"?


Students violate the academic honesty policy at SAC when they do this, which essentially means to use someone's words, ideas, or creative work as one's own.

What is plagiarize?


Students who need help on an assignment can visit this place, which is located on campus and also offers virtual tutoring.

What is The Learning Center?


For every essay, you will write one of these before you write the final draft.

What is a rough draft?


Students who miss this due to being late or absent will not be able to make it up.

What is class work?


If you want to see the professor in person for questions or extra help, she has these every Monday and Wednesday in her office as well as in room G-106.

What are student hours?


Using this new type of technology to write or rewrite your work in this class is a form of plagiarism.

What is AI?

Students who need reasonable accommodations for disabilities should visit this office, located in JSC-108.

What is Disabled Students Programs & Services?


Your first essay assignment is about this, which is defined as prejudice or one-sidedness.

What is bias?


Though I may work with you if you keep the lines of communication open, I reserve the right to refuse this.

What is late work? 


If you send the professor an email, you should expect a reply by this time.

What is the next business day?


Students whose work contains "red flags" for AI will receive an AI Assessment and will be required to schedule a follow-up with me within this time frame.

What are two weeks?


Though students are required to purchase the novel for this class, the textbook, titled this, is available for free and posted on Canvas on the syllabus page and in the Resources module.

What is Horse of a Different Color?


These activities are worth 10% of your overall grade.

What are prewriting activities?


Assignments in this class must be clear and professional, which according to the syllabus means the pronoun must always be _____.

What is capitalized?


Though you are free to email me questions about the class, I cannot discuss this over email for privacy reasons.

What are grades?


The score a student will receive on work that has been determined to contain plagiarism.

What is zero?


If you need help from the professor, you can go to the Student Athlete Success Center (G-106) on Mondays and Wednesdays between these times. 

What are 12:15 and 1:15 pm?


Doing the math, this final draft assignment is worth 30% of the final drafts grade, which are worth 60% of the overall class grade. Thus, this final draft assignment is worth a total of 18% of your final grade.

What is the research essay?


These kinds of devices are prohibited in the classroom without prior consent of the instructor.

What are recording devices?


This messaging program, which you can learn about in the Course Information module of Canvas, is an alternative to email.

What is Pronto?


Infringement of academic honesty policies will cause the professor to file this report with the college.

What is an "Academic Misconduct Incident Report"?


This resource, located in JSC-110, offers psychological services for students.

What is the Health and Wellness Center?