Great Gatsby
Black Boy
Joy luck club
Patron Saints of Nothing
Early American Literature Movements

When reading The Great Gatsby you ____ the idea of the American Dream and how money isn't the answer to finding it. You ____ how Gatsby would do anything for the love of his life (Daisy).

What Did you learn from reading The Great Gatsby?


Richard Wright’s ______ __ ___was shaped by the _______ he faced due to many reasons such as, his socioeconomic status, geographic location, religion, and family. Wright was forced to grow up fast due to his low socioeconomic status and the South’s racist ideals. These challenges often overlapped. For example, his abusive grandmother and aunt imposed their strict religious beliefs on Wright. His view of the world was shaped by his daily confrontations with racism. He was taught to fear and hate white people.

What did I learn about the challenges of coming of age through Richard Wright’s memoir, Black Boy?


Chinese traditions and practices affecting the coming of age process.

What is culture


Jay acknowledges the fact others can have a different environment and can react differently to those experiences.

What is intersectionality


This group of early American creatives focused on spreading the emotions of the world around them through their art, poems, and other literature; and focused on appreciating nature and promoting imagination.

Who are the Romantics?


One's _____  ______ affects their future by striving to be better than everyone else and having more than what they can. An example is Gatsby and how he believed that with this it would help bring Daisy back to him.

How does money/social class affect one's Dreams?


Richard Wright’s autobiography, Black Boy, explores the ___________. Wright was a natural nonconformist, because he enjoyed reading, writing, and learning. In the 1920s South, African Americans were discouraged from pursuing higher levels of education, thus Wright was often discouraged from reading. Throughout the first half of Black Boy, Wright learns how to live in the South. He had a hard time conforming to the South’s expectations of black people. He had to learn how to navigate the South’s culture in order to survive.

What did I learn about the dilemmas of conformity in Richard Wright’s memoir, Black Boy?


Ideology that is passed down from generation to another which affects a persons coming of age.

What is Intergenerational impact 


In “Patron Saints of Nothing” factors may look like corrupt government or impoverished cities

What are environmental factors


This famous Transcendentalist was known for supporting the idea that emotions and intuition are more important than logic and reasoning and was known to be friends with Henry David Thoreau.

Who was Ralph Waldo Emerson?