Technology Policy
Tardy Policy
Academic Integrity
Communication Policy
Note Taking Strategies

What is the main objective of the technology policy in the English 11 classroom?

minimize distractions and enhance focus on academic activities


What percentage does the final exam account for in the overall course grade?

The final exam accounts for 10% of the overall course grade


How many tardies result in a detention according to the English 11 tardy policy?

Four tardies result in a detention


Why does the English 11 syllabus mention not accepting word documents for written assignments?

The English 11 syllabus mentions not accepting word documents to help mitigate plagiarism issues and the overuse of Artificial Intelligence


How does Mrs. Winter prefer students to send messages to her?

Mrs. Winter prefers students to send messages to her via Canvas Inbox


What should students do if they need to use the restroom during class?

Sign out, grab the hall pass, and take their ID with them


Name this style of notes


Visual notes or

Mind maps


Describe the procedure for device storage as outlined in the technology policy.

Each student is assigned a specific number corresponding to a slot on the whiteboard. At the start of each class, students must place their devices in their assigned slot on the whiteboard, where they remain until the end of class.


How are grades collected throughout the English 11 course?

Percentages shall be awarded for assignments, quizzes, and tests. 

  • 10% for “PRACTICE” assignments
  • 80% for “ASSESSMENTS”
  • 10% for final exam

What happens if a student is tardy past the 15-minute mark in class?

If a student is tardy past the 15-minute mark, they will receive an automatic absence


What constitutes a violation of academic integrity regarding plagiarism and artificial intelligence use?

A violation of academic integrity occurs if a student's work exhibits more than 10% plagiarism or if it exceeds 10% generated content from artificial intelligence.


What is the expected response time for messages sent to Mrs. Winter/Ms. Fakler?

The expected response time for messages sent to Mrs. Winter/Ms. Fakler is within 24 hours, Monday to Friday, from 7:30 AM to 3:30 PM


Who will be the long-term substitute for Mrs. Winter at the start of the school year?

Miss (Celia) Fakler will be the long-term substitute for Mrs. Winter at the start of the school year


Why take notes by hand/typed/yourself?

Research suggests that we learn and remember content better when we write it by hand. 


What are the only exceptions for the use of cell phones in the classroom? (Hint: the syllabus lists 4 - your group must come up with 3) 

academic/medical/emergent reasons

Miss Fakler and I will prompt the use of any devices when necessary for academic purposes


Explain the late work policy and the penalties associated with submitting assignments late.

The late work policy includes a penalty of 10% of the total score for the assignment for each day it is late, up to a maximum deduction of 40%. Extensions may be granted for valid reasons such as medical emergencies or personal challenges.


Why is being in your seat and prepared for class on time important?

Being in your seat and prepared for class on time is important because it ensures that students are ready to learn and participate from the beginning of the class, contributing to a productive and orderly learning environment


What are the consequences if a student's work exhibits more than 10% plagiarism or AI-generated content?

If a student's work exhibits more than 10% plagiarism or AI-generated content, the student will be asked to revise and resubmit the paper or project, and the student's guardian or parent will be contacted.


Why does Mrs. Winter ask students not to send assignments via email or Canvas Inbox?

Mrs. Winter asks students not to send assignments via email or Canvas Inbox because assignments can get buried in her email or sent to her spam/junk folder.


How have Ms. Fakler and Mrs. Winter ensured a smooth transition for students during Mrs. Winter's maternity leave?

Miss Fakler and Mrs. Winter have worked closely together to establish clear expectations and collaborated with other English 11 instructors to maintain a consistent and supportive learning environment


There were 6 methods of notetaking. Name 4 of the 6.

Anything goes

Main ideas only

Outline or bullet form

Color coding

Cornell Notes

Mind Maps/webs/ graphic organizers.


What are the consequences for using a device without permission in the classroom?

If a student is found using a device without permission, the device will be sent to the main office, and parents or guardians will be contacted regarding the incident


Why is timely submission of assignments important according to the grading policy?

Timely submission of assignments is important because it demonstrates responsibility, time management, and a commitment to the learning process


What platform or type of document does Mrs. Winter accept?

(Bonus 400 points if group can mention the 3 types of medium mentioned in the syllabus) 


"Google Docs," "Google Slides" or "Google Forms" 


In what circumstances may there be occasional delays in Mrs. Winter's/Ms. Fakler's responses to messages?

There may be occasional delays in Mrs. Winter's responses to messages due to scheduling or unforeseen circumstances


What must students leave behind if they are to leave the classroom?

All devices.


What is worth writing down? (must include all 5 bullets)


Unique Stuff

New Stuff

Causes & Effects



What is Mrs. Winter's legal status regarding communication with students and parents during her maternity leave?

During her maternity leave, Mrs. Winter is legally unable to work or communicate directly with students or parents, although she will remain in contact with Miss Fakler to address any issues or concerns.