Tier 2 Vocabulary
Clap When You Land
The Crucible

Use the word ILLUSTRATE in a sentence.

Answers may vary.


Where do you put two commas?

"The doctor Mrs. Piccard diagnosed her with ADHD."

"The doctor, Mrs. Piccard, diagnosed her with ADHD."


How many sections are in the Declaration of Independence?



What are the names of the two sisters (main characters) in "Clap When You Land?"

Yahaira and Camino

What is the job of Samual Parris?

He is the Reverend in Salem.


The __________ of a microscope is to magnify small objects, allowing us to see them in greater detail.

Which choice best completes the text?

bias - brevity - formula - function - assert - announce



Where do you put the semicolon?

"The dogs were barking the cat was scared."

"The dogs were barking; the cat was scared."


Describe Frederick Douglass' speech "What to a Slave is the Fourth of July?"

In the speech, Douglass carefully alternates between praising his audience and critiquing America. He reveals his fierce opinions regarding the hypocrisy of a country that espouses freedom and equality yet is comfortable with a whole group of people experiencing extended, unlawful enslavement.

Who is the author of "Clap When You Land?"

Elizabeth Acevedo


What was Abigail, allegedly, stabbed with?

A needle.


During the era of McCarthyism in the 1950s, Americans experienced a climate of fear and suspicion. Senator Joseph McCarthy led a campaign to ________ suspected communists, accusing them without solid evidence. This "Red Scare" led to many individuals losing their jobs and reputations. It wasn't until courageous journalists and politicians began to criticize McCarthy's tactics that his power waned. This period serves as a stark reminder of the importance of upholding civil liberties even in times of hysteria.

Which choice completes the text with the most logical and precise word or phrase?

deference - denounce - announce - buttress - brevity - bias - conflicted - evidence - exemplar



Where do you put one semicolon and one comma?

"I wonder what the weather will be today however I will be wearing a jacket either way."

"I wonder what the weather will be today; however, I will be wearing a jacket either way."


Who gave the speech "Ain't I a Woman?"

Soujourner Truth


Which two locations are the primary settings for this novel?

The Dominican Republic and Brooklyn, New York


Which two characters were employed, at some point, by the Proctor's?

Abigail Williams and Mary Warren


Understanding and addressing the integral dynamics contribute to the evolution of governance on the African continent, promoting stability and progress. One such nation is South Africa.  South Africa is a nation characterized by a rich tapestry of ethnicities, languages, and cultures. The government, led by the African National Congress (ANC), has worked to address historical inequalities and promote unity through policies that acknowledge and celebrate the diversity inherent in the country. The post-apartheid era has seen efforts to build a more inclusive and equitable society in South Africa. Navigating this _________complexity demands innovative policies to address socioeconomic disparities and foster unity. 

Which choice completes the text with the most logical and precise word or phrase?

grapple - conflicted - profusion - inherent - repudiated - exemplar - hysteria - magistrate



In her two major series “Memory Test” and “Autobiography,” painter Howardena Pindell explored themes ______ healing, self-discovery, and memory by cutting and sewing back together pieces of canvas and inserting personal artifacts, such as postcards, into some of the paintings.  

Which choice completes the text so that it conforms to the conventions of Standard English?   

A) of     B) of,     C) of-     D) of;

A) of


Briefly summarize the Declaration of Sentiments.

The Declaration of Sentiments begins by asserting the equality of all men and women and reiterates that both genders are endowed with unalienable rights to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. It argues that women are oppressed by the government and the patriarchal society of which they are a part.


What major conflict happens at the beginning of "Clap When You Land?"

Papi's plane crashes on his way to the Dominican Republic, and he passes away.


What does Abigail Williams do at the end of the play?

She robs her uncle and runs off with Mercy Lewis.  She escapes all punishment.


Define the word VERSIMILITUDE.

the appearance of being true or real


Quantum particles of light—photons—provide an unhackable means of transmitting encryption keys over networks, as attempts to observe particles in quantum states will invariably alter the particles ______ dismantle any information they transmit.

Which choice completes the text so that it conforms to the conventions of Standard English?   

A) and, in the process,      B) and, in the process

C) and in the process        D) and in the process;

A) and, in the process,


Which rhetorical devices were used by Frederick Douglass in his speech "What to a Slave is the Fourth of July?"

Repetition, Rheotrical Questions, Imagery, Metaphor, etc.  Answers may vary.


At the end of "Clap When You Land," what are Camino's plans?

To move to America and study at the University in Brooklyn.


Consider John Proctor's' character.  How did he develop throughout the course of the play?

He began as a selfish man who was having an affair.  By the end of the play, he chose to selflessly die in order to allow the witch trials to come to an end.