This word means "to make clear or easier to understand."
What is clarify?
This term refers to objects, characters, or events used to represent larger ideas or themes.
What is symbolism?
This is the main message or idea that a passage conveys to its readers
What is the central idea?
This literary movement portrays everyday life as it truly is, without idealization
What is realism?
Identify the proper noun in this sentence: Sarah traveled to Paris for the summer.
What are "Sarah" and "Paris"?
This word means a clever or creative solution to a problem
What is ingenious?
Authors use this technique by incorporating sight, sound, smell, touch, or taste to create a vivid image in the reader’s mind.
What are sensory details?
A good strategy to identify the main idea is to look at the title, topic sentences, and these repeated throughout the passage.
What are key details?
This literary movement focuses on how environment, heredity, and social conditions shape human behavior.
What is naturalism?
This type of word shows the relationship between a noun (or pronoun) and another word in a sentence, often indicating location, direction, or time.
What is a preposition?
This word describes a sudden, overpowering feeling of fear.
What is panic?
This literary device compares two unlike things using the words “like” or “as.”
What is a simile?
When a reader makes an educated guess based on clues in the text, they are making this.
What is an inference?
This type of journalism, used by writers like Upton Sinclair, exposes corruption and social problems.
What is muckraking?
Identify the preposition in this sentence: The book is on the table.
What is "on"?
This scientific term refers to a substance that increases the rate of a reaction without being consumed.
What is a catalyst?
When a story hints at future events, it is using this technique.
What is foreshadowing?
The reason an author writes a text—such as to inform, persuade, or entertain—is known as this.
What is the author's purpose?
This is the key difference between realism and naturalism.
What is naturalism believes people are controlled by forces beyond their control, while realism depicts life as it is?
True or False: A prepositional phrase can function as either an adjective or an adverb in a sentence.
What is true?
This word means "implied or understood, though not directly expressed."
What is implicit?
A universal message or lesson in a story is called this.
What is a theme?
Understanding the social, political, and cultural events of the time in which a text was written helps readers analyze its meaning.
What is historical context?
Name one author associated with Realism
Answers may vary...
Mark Twain, Henry James, Upton Sinclair, ETC
This type of noun refers to something that cannot be touched, such as love, courage, or freedom.
What is an abstract noun?