Unit 1
Unit 2
Unit 3
Unit 4
Unit 5

To explain something in detail

What is expound?


Indicating favorable conditions or suggesting the likelihood of good fortune

What is auspicious?


To make a long oration or speak at length

What is harangue?


Irritation or annoyance

What is vexation?


Dweller or inhabitant

What is denzien?


A ______ is a person, place, or object that has a specific meaning in itself but that also stands for an idea or emotion beyond its literal meaning.

What is a symbol?


A nonliteral comparison that is stated outright by the use of “like” or “as” is a ______.

What is a simile?


A form of verbal irony that sounds like praise but intentionally mocks or ridicules

What is sarcasm?


When the meaning of something is ____, it is clearly stated and understood.

What is explicit?


How slowly or quickly the actions and events develop and unfold

What is pacing?


The subject of a text and the central ideas in a text are important in determining _____.

What is theme?


Can introduce different moods and can provide plot twists.

What is multiple plot lines?


A narrative should be finalized in size __ font.

What is 12?


When readers make inferences and deal with ambiguity, their interpretations often rely on _____ ______.

What is textual evidence?


And so on, furthermore, although, however, and in addition are all examples of

What is adding transitional elements?


By considering that Vera observes “something sinister” about the island, you can recognize that this excerpt contains __________. This use of _________ creates suspense and interest for the reader and hints at an odd or dangerous situation that is to come.

What is foreshadowing?


"Shall I compare thee to a summer’s day?
Thou art more lovely and more temperate. …" from William Shakespeare's Sonnet 18 is an example of a ________.

What is a metaphor?


A fire station burns down. This is an example of _____ ____.

What is situational irony?


A character has a diaper in her hand, spit-up on her shirt, and a bottle warming on the counter. You can _____ that this character is a mother.

What is infer?


“Seeing that I am Amelia’s mother ...” Cyril blinked, genuinely surprised. “Why, so you are! I didn’t recognize you. Have you been there all the time?” “I have.”

This is an example of adding _____ to affect ____.

What is humor to affect tone?


The line “The third day Christ arose from out the grave” is an ________ to Christ’s resurrection, as related in the Bible.

What is an allusion?


The main character in the story faces a physical or emotional challenge

What is character growth?


The castle is dark and forboding it showed no signs of life. Fixing this sentence would be done during the __________ stage of writing.

What is proofreading?


The author wrote, "He felt like the flowers were waving hello." This is an example of _____.

What is imagery?


Shelley lengthened her original paragraph to add textual evidence to serve as an example to support her claim. This is an example of __________________.

What is revising textual evidence?