Unit 1
Unit 2
Unit 3
Unit 4
Unit 5

What is nuance?

Nuance is the difference in connotation of two words that have the same denotation. Also known as shades of meaning. 


What does penitent mean?

Penitent is an adjective that describes something as showing sorrow or regret for doing something wrong. 


What is obstinacy?

Obstinacy is the quality of being stubborn or persistent in a course of action. 


What is dreg?

Dreg means remnant or sediment. It is typically the least desirable or the last remaining part.


What does accost mean?

Accost means speaking to someone in an aggressive way.


What are the two types of meaning in a text?

The two types of meaning in a text are explicit and implicit meaning.


What is an archetype?

An archetype is a commonly used character type. Some examples are the hero, the valiant knight, and the damsel in distress. 


What is perspective?

Perspective is the point of view from which a story is told. 


What is textual evidence? 

Textual evidence is specific information from a text that supports inferences and analyzations of a text.


What is pacing?

Pacing is how fast or how slow the story is occurring. 


What is freewriting?

Freewriting is a brainstorming technique that requires a person to continuously write their ideas without worrying about grammar or punctuation.


What is mind mapping?

Mind mapping is a prewriting technique that allows a person to write their ideas and visually connect them. They do this by drawing the main idea in a circle and connecting other ideas to that circle. 


What is drafting? 

Drafting means making the first version of a literary work. This version is not the best or the final version. This version can be edited and improved to make the final version. 


What is revising?

Revising is the action of editing a literary work to improve it.


What is a literary analysis?

A literary analysis is an essay that analyzes and examines a literary work. It examines why an author wrote the literary work and their message. 


"Look at how beautiful this island is!" Alyssa shouted. "It is beautiful, but I don't feel chill here," John said. "Why not?" Alyssa asked. "I don't know, I just feel like something bad is gonna happen on this island," John stated. 

Identify the foreshadowing in this short story excerpt. 

The foreshadowing in this excerpt is when John says that he feels like something bad is going to happen. This foreshadows that something bad is going to happen. 


Give an example of personification.

The tree danced in the wind. 


Alex knew he was going to die, however, before he died he gave all of his wealth to a random homeless person. When the doctors asked him why he did this he said, "I don't need wealth anymore."

Determine the theme. 

The theme is that when we die wealth will become worthless. Wealth cannot save us from death, and we cannot use it when we are dead. 


Give an example of imagery.

The trees danced in the wind. The sky became darker as the sun slowly hid its face. The ocean was as clear as glass. It was the most beautiful scenery in the world. 


Give an example of a flashback.

"Who even created this robot?" Makayla asked. "I did," Jack said. "It was a cold Saturday morning and I wanted to make a robot that would warm me up. So I made this thing. I went to the scrapyard and took all of the metal pieces I needed. I then welded them together in my garage and programmed this robot."


Freewrite ideas about tennis

Tennis is a sport. Can be played with two to four people. Requires racket. 


Determine the audience and purpose of a gothic romance story. 

The audience of a gothic romance story is people who like to read gothic books. The purpose of these books is to tell a story and entertain readers. 


The boy was sad because he could not play video games. He did not clean his room and got grounded. 

Revise this short story. 

The boy's mom was very upset with him because he did not clean his room. She was so upset that she grounded him. The boy became very sad because he could not play video games when grounded. 


"I can't do this anymore!" Carmen shouted. "You can, you should never give up," Lele said.

Identify the explicit meaning.

The explicit meaning is that we should never give up. This meaning is directly stated by Lele. 


What is outlining?

Outlining is the action of making an outline for an essay. An outline helps to identify what each paragraph will be about.