Name Game
Name the two forces Machiavelli says determines your fate
What are Luck (One’s Fortune) and Character (One’s Virtues)
The world of ______________ is inferior to the world of ___________
What are perception, ideas
Who is Bacon's ex? Who is his nemesis?
Who are Elizabeth Hatton and Edward Coke.
How do you spell Professor Ching’s first name? How do you pronounce it?
What is Alynna and Uh-lee-na.
What is the title of this course, English 1?
What is Reading and Composition
Why is being a miser actually good?
What is because it allows you to maintain your state without excessively taxing your citizens
In this ideal government, who should rule? Why?
Who is the philosopher king because he will seek the greater good and do things for the people while politicians aim for personal gains and private advantages.
Name and define the 4 idols.
What are the idol of the tribe, cave, marketplace, theatre.
What is Conrad’s first name?
What is Edwin
What does “bruh” mean?
What is you’re embarrassing
Cruelty is good because it does what 2 things?
What are keeps the subjects united and does not permit disorders to continue
Who is a peripatetic philosopher? What does peripatetic mean?
What are Aristotle and Walking.
Bacon focuses “not on what is observed but on the ____________ of observation—the _______ _______. Only when the instrument is freed of error can we rely on its observations to reveal the _______”
What are instrument, human mind, truth
What is Reina’s last name?
What is Schmidt
Name the 2 authors of the 2 poems we read about love.
Who are Christopher Marlowe and Sir Walter Raleigh
Why is it better to be feared than loved?
What is the people choose who they love, they hold the power. The people cannot control what they fear, the fear controls them.
What was Socrates accused of?
What is Corrupting the youth of Athens
What is the name of Bacon’s larger work from which “The 4 Idols” is extracted and what does it stand for?
What are Novum Organum and the new instrument of thought
Name all the students in the class by first AND last name.
This quotation is typically tied to Machiavelli: the ____________ justify the _____________
What are end and means
It is not necessary that the prince to possess all of the above mentioned qualities, but it is necessary for him to _______ to have them. Furthermore, I shall be so bold as to assert this: that ________ them and _________ them at all times is harmful; and appearing to have them is useful.
What are appear, having, practicing
The truth is that the state in which the rulers are most _________ to govern is always the best and most __________ governed, and the state in which they are most ________, the worst.
What are reluctant, quietly, eager
But by far the greatest ________ and aberration of the human understanding proceeds from the dullness, incompetency, and deceptions of the _______ ; in that things which strike the sense outweigh things which do not immediately strike it, though they be more important. Hence it is that ________ commonly ceases where ________ ceases; insomuch that of things invisible there is little or no observation.
What are hindrance, senses, speculation, sight
Name the 4 students who like the Thanksgiving holiday best.
Who are Marcus, Reina, Conrad, Kionna
Name Marlowe's poem and Raleigh's poem.
What are The Passionate Shepherd to His Love and The Nymph’s Reply to the Shepherd