What is a nonlinear plot?

A nonlinear plot is a storytelling technique where events are presented out of chronological order, diverging from the traditional linear sequence of beginning, middle, and end.


Give 3 examples of different types of genre in writing

Science fiction, mystery, memoir, autobiography, biography


The term “original copy” is an example of what literary device?



What is a comma splice?

A comma splice occurs when two independent clauses (complete sentences) are incorrectly joined by just a comma without a coordinating conjunction.


Who is the main pig that inspires the animals to rebel against their human owner at the beginning of the book?

Old Major


What is the difference between indirect and direct characterization?

Direct characterization tells (occurs when the author explicitly describes a character’s traits, such as their appearance, personality, or feelings), while indirect characterization shows (author reveals a character's traits through their actions, speech, thoughts, interactions, or how other characters react to them)


What is the primary difference between fiction and nonfiction narratives?

Fiction is created from the author's imagination, focusing on invented characters, events, and settings, while nonfiction is based on real-life events, people, and factual information.


In argumentative writing, what are the two important elements that help strengthen the overall argument?

Counterclaim/argument and rebuttal


The following sentence is an example of what grammatical convention (s) and how can we correct it? “The movie was great — the acting was superb — the plot was confusing.”

Dash and sentence fragment. "The movie was great. The acting was superb, but the plot was confusing." OR "The movie was great; the acting was superb, but the plot was confusing."


How does Napoleon gain control over the other animals during the early days after the rebellion?

Napoleon uses propaganda, employs the dogs as enforcers, and drives Snowball off the farm to eliminate competition for leadership.


What are the 3 types of irony and describe what each one is.

  • Situational Irony occurs when there is a significant difference between what is expected to happen and what actually happens

  • Dramatic Irony is when the audience or reader knows something that the characters do not 

  • Verbal Irony occurs when someone says something but means the opposite


What is an oxymoron and what effect do they have on the reader's interpretation?

Oxymorons pair two contradictory terms that capture complex or paradoxical ideas. It challenges the reader to think more deeply about how two opposing concepts can coexist, highlighting tension or irony in a situation


List 3 characteristics of an informational essay

  • Structured organization (introduction, body paragraphs, and a conclusion)

  • Use of Evidence (credible sources, facts, statistics, examples, and expert quotes)

  • The writing maintains a neutral and objective tone, avoiding personal opinions or emotional language.


What is the pronoun antecedent agreement? Give an example.

  • It is a grammatical rule that pronouns must agree in number, gender, and case with the nouns (antecedents) they replace or refer to in a sentence.

  • "The teacher gave her students their assignments.” - teacher and her


Which two pigs emerge as the leaders after Old Major's death, and what are their differing ideologies?

Napoleon and Snowball emerge as leaders. Snowball advocates for education and improvement of the farm, while Napoleon seeks to consolidate power and control over the other animals.


In an argumentative essay, why is it important to address counterarguments, and how can doing so strengthen the writer's position?

Addressing counterarguments is important because it shows the writer's awareness of opposing viewpoints, which demonstrates a balanced and fair approach to the topic. By acknowledging and refuting counterarguments, the writer strengthens their own position by showing why their argument is more valid or persuasive. This not only enhances the credibility of the argument but also prevents the audience from dismissing the essay as biased or uninformed.


What is narrative writing and what are the 3 main elements of it?

Narrative writing is a form of storytelling that recounts events, experiences or sequence of events in a structured manner. 3 elements: characters, setting, plot


What is characterization, plot, and theme?

  • Characterization involves the development of characters, revealing their personalities, motivations, and growth throughout the story.

  • The plot is the sequence of events that outlines the story, including the conflict, climax, and resolution.

  • Theme is the underlying message or insight that the narrative conveys, often reflecting universal truths about the human experience. 


How can you correct a run-on sentence and a fragment?

Use a period, use a semicolon, add a coordinating conjunction, add missing elements, etc


What does the windmill proposed by Snowball symbolise?

The windmill symbolizes the animals’ hopes for a better future and their desire for self-sufficiency.


What are some effective strategies for timed writing that can help you organize your thoughts and improve your  writing under pressure?

Brainstorming, time management, stay on topic, practice


What are the 5 elements of plot? 

Exposition, Rising Action, Climax, Falling Action, Resolution


What are the 5 different types of text we’ve seen so far? 

Argumentative, Informational, Fiction Narrative, Nonfiction Narrative, Poem


What are the 6 basic verb tenses?

The six basic verb tenses in English are divided into three time frames (past, present, and future) and each can be further categorized into simple, continuous (progressive), and perfect aspects


What is an allegory? What allegory is used in Animal Farm?

  • An allegory is a narrative technique in which characters, events, and details within a story typically addressing social, political, or moral issues.

  • Animal Farm by George Orwell is a political allegory that critiques the Russian Revolution and the subsequent rise of totalitarianism, particularly under Joseph Stalin.