Literary Elements
A Long Way Gone
Logical Fallacies & Rhetoric

This literary element is the time and location that a story is taking place

What is setting?

This is the name of Ishmael Beah's home village in the beginning of A Long Way Gone.

What is Mogbwemo?


The poetic line "clasping remembered beauty" from the poem "Lower new York City at noon hour" is describing the narrator doing this...

A. imagining future events

B. Recalling past events

C. Creating current events

D. Forgetting past events

What is...

B. recalling past events?


This is the definition of logical fallacies.

What is common errors in reasoning that undermines a person's argument?


These are the two characters on trial for murder. (first and last name)

Who are Steve Harmon and James King?


These are the three different points of view (extra credit for the fourth)

What is first person, second person, third person, and third person omniscient


These are the members of Ishmael's family from before the war.

Who are Junior, Ibrahim, mother, father, (stepmother)?


This is the effect of metaphors in the sentences below:

"Not all field geologists, however, refer the Big Bend to a paradise. For some, this land of twisted, tortured rock is a nightmare."

A. They compare Big Bend to a contradictory dream world.

B. The emphasize the allure and repulsiveness of Big Bend.

C. They explain how Big Bend is enthralling to many people.

D. They express how interesting the landscape is to many people.

What is...

B. They emphasize the allure and repulsiveness of Big Bend.


These are six of the eighteen examples of logical fallacies.

What are slippery slope, hasty generalization, post hoc, genetic fallacy, circular argument, either/or, ad hominem, bandwagon, red herring, straw man, moral equivalence, appeal to authority, appeal to ignorance, appeal to emotion?


This is the name of the shop owner who was shot and killed during the robbery. (first and last name)

Who is Alguinaldo Nesbitt?


These are three of the seven types of conflict

What are character v character, character v society, character v nature, character v technology, character v supernatural, character v fate, and character v self?


This was the character that was chosen to almost kill Ishmael when rebels first found the boys, had the soldiers not gotten distracted

Who is Junior?


This is how the speaker's POV affects her impression of bustling New York City...

A. She feels welcomed and embraced by the people of New York

B. The speaker is excited by the differences of home and New York City

C. The speaker feels excluded in a strange and frightening place

D. The speaker is cautious and curious about a life in a big, new city

What is...

C. The speaker feels excluded in a strange and frightening place


This is an example of...

"My student is tired because he did not get enough sleep last nighty."

What is circular argument?


These are the three lawyers defending different individuals in the trial.

Who are Mr. Briggs, Ms. Petrocelli, and Ms. O'Brien?


These are the six elements of a plot

What are exposition, conflict, rising actions, climax, falling action, and resolution?


These are what RUF and SLA stand for.

What are Revolutionary United Front and Sierra Leonean Army?


From the excerpt "Black clouds waved like the Flags of Doom. The Ganges was lashed into a fury, and the trees of the gardens on either bank swayed from side to side with sighs and groans.", the personification develops the setting by...

A. Emphasizing the loudness of the storm

B. Emphasizing the cause of the storm

C. Emphasizing the damage of the storm

D. Emphasizing the severity of the storm

What is... 

D. Emphasizing the severity of the storm


This is an example of...

The amount of fumes entering the O-zone from gas cars is unhealthy, but how else are we going to get from point A to point B?

Red herring


This is what the jury would have assumed had Steve NOT testified during trial.

What is connect him closer to King, sway towards him being guilty, not hear his side of events?


These are the nine different literary elements

What are language, plot, mood, setting, theme, point of view, narrator, conflict, and characters?


This is how the RUF branded its soldiers.

What is carving the letters RUF into a soldiers skin?

The meaning of the simile from this sentence, "“Like a rudderless boat, the discussion kept turning round and round the same point; and at last it threatened to be overwhelmed in a flood of tears" is...

A. It describes two people crying because they came to a solution

B. It describes an endless argument between two people

C. It depicts a husband and wife having a minor argument.

D. It describes an unsolvable argument between a husband and wife, threatening to deteriorate into tears

What is...

D. It describes an unsolvable argument between a husband and wife, threatening to deteriorate into tears.


This is an example of...

"I ate week old Chinese food and now I'm feeling sick, so the Chinese food must have made me sick."

Post Hoc Ergo Propter Hoc


These are three of the people that testified during the trial.

Who are Nipping, Sawicki, Zinzi, Osvaldo, Bobo, Dr. Moody, and Ms. Henry?