Revising & Editing

Proper format for an ECR's paragraphs

Introduction, Body, Conclusion


This process involves making changes to the content, organization, and structure of a written work to improve clarity and coherence.

What is revising


Which punctuation mark should be used to separate items in a list?

What is a comma

What is the difference between fiction and non-fiction?

What is fiction is fake and non-fiction is real


When combining sentences, can you add/take away words or do you need to use every word in either sentence?

You can add/take away words as long as both ideas are correctly combined. 

When writing an argumentative composition, what MUST you include?

What is a counterargument

In editing, paying attention to these four things ensures that you get full points on conventions (CUPS)

What is capitalization, usage, punctuation, and spelling


Select the correct form of the pronoun to complete the sentence: "Neither of the boys brought _____ lunch today."

What is his


What are the three types of literary non-fiction?

What are memoir, biography, and autobiography


What is a guide word in the dictionary?

The words at the top that help you find the word you're looking for easier. 


Imagine you are a resident of America writing a letter to the General, either expressing your gratitude for his actions in stopping Harrison Bergeron or voicing your concerns about the events you witnessed. Detail specific events and the reasons behind your feelings, and offer suggestions or requests for future actions.

Write the introduction for this prompt and show Booker

Dear General, 

I am concerned...


What revision is necessary to correct the sentence: "Her idea for the project was better then mine"?

Change then to than


Identify the type of sentence: "Although it was raining, we decided to go for a walk."

What is a complex sentence?


What are the two types of drama that you can see performed?

Play (no music) and musical (music)


How are author's purpose and genre related?

An author uses the genre of the work to make decisions about how they are going to write the story (tone, imagery, etc.)


Analyze the character traits of Elie Wiesel exploring how his personality, behaviors, and relationships with others contribute to the tone of the book.

Write the thesis statement for this prompt:
[Bring it to me when you are done]

Elie Wiesel's actions lead to a ___ tone because ___. 


"The students all handed in they're homework on time." 

What revision is necessary for this sentence?

What is change they're to their


What is the purpose of a semi-colon?

What is to separate two independent clauses


Poetry is best known for it's use of... 

What is figurative language

How are tone and genre related?

Tone is the way that a person is supposed to feel about a particular work. Genre influences that because you write a certain way to make a person feel emotions. For example, humor books have a fun tone. Horror books have a scary tone.


Should superheroes be allowed to do what they want? Argue for or against the idea, using specific examples from superheros actions and any potential consequences of their interventions.

Write a sentence stem that restates the prompt and show your teacher.   

The Avengers shouldn't be allowed to do what they want because they destroyed New York during the first movie. 


What is the difference between revising and editing?

Revising involves refining the content and structure of a written piece, while editing focuses on correcting grammar, punctuation, and other mechanical errors.


What is the difference between complex sentences and simple sentences?

What is simple sentences contain one independent clause while a complex sentence has a dependent & independent clause. 


What are the types of control in a dystopian government? Name at least two. 

What are technological, religious, governmental, and corporate


What are the three types of graphic irony? 

Dramatic irony, situational irony, and verbal irony.