Creative Writing Generally
Creative Nonfiction

What happens if you miss class three times without explaining why you were gone?



How much silence is required to write?

It depends. Some writers create playlists and theme music for characters or parts of their drafts. Others need quiet. If you don't know, try each.


Why is revision valuable?

Revision allows for the reconsideration and improvement of every aspect of a story.


What are some forms of poetry?

Forms include the sonnet, ghazal, villanelle, sestina, and haiku.


What does creative nonfiction emphasize far more than fiction?

Allegiance to actual events, people, and places.


What happens if you miss class four times without explaining why you were gone?

Your attendance grade suffers in ways the syllabus explains.


How important is grammar?

In early, unshared drafts, it is not important. For final drafts it is vital, especially when seeking publication.


What are good ways to invent characters?

Autobiographically, biographically, from scratch (starting with an image, items, a setting, a profession, internal and/or external conflicts, or a name can help), or a combination.


Should you use archaic and baroque language in your poems? Should you personify abstract entities like Death and Time? What about weird diction?

None of the above. Today’s poetry uses today’s language. Write to be understood. Write poems, not riddles.


Is turning in a journal entry a good plan?

No. A journal entry will need at least focus, structure, style, and careful proofreading to be interesting.


Can you turn in the final exam late? The last major assignment?



Does reading and joining a community of writers really matter?

Yes. Reading is fuel for writing. Communities of writers can become communities of readers.


What does a round character have several of? What does a flat character have only one of?

Round characters have several sides or elements or aspects. Flat characters have one aspect or function they repeat.


What is an end-stopped line?

A line of poetry that ends with a punctuation mark. While this can emphasize the word at the end of the line, it is less likely to pull readers to the next line.


Is turning in a research essay a good idea?

No. Researched arguments are not personal or specific enough to be creative nonfiction.


What happens if you turn assignments in late?

Ten percent is taken off your final grade each day an assignment is late.


Is it better to have a plan or just start writing extemporaneously?

It depends on what is easier for you. Be sure to try both.


What does a scene do? What does a summary do?

A scene presents a character’s moment-by-moment lived sensory experience in real-time. A summary compresses time.


Why is enjambment important?

It continues the meaning of a sentence across a line break without punctuation. This gives readers a second to process what they’ve read, asks an implied question, or emphasizes the word at the end of the line.


How formal and impersonal should creative nonfiction be?

It should be much more informal and personal than most journalism, reports, and scholarly research.


How does the plagiarism work in this class?

Plagiarism is rare, but penalties start with zero points on the assignment. They get worse if the plagiarism or writing by AI continues.


What is the best way to be a writer?

Write by having a consistent daily writing habit.


Which moments should be summarized? Which should be presented in scenes? Why?

Scenes should be the details of moments that will interest and engage readers. Generally, a summary lets readers move quickly through less interesting moments.


What do consonance, assonance, and alliteration have in common?

They repeat sounds. Consonance repeats similar-sounding consonants. Assonance repeats vowel sounds. Alliteration repeats sounds at the beginnings of words.


How important is accuracy in creative nonfiction? 

Accuracy is central, but since it is so personal and since it includes figurative language, creative nonfiction is not absolutely perfectly accurate.