Figurative Language
Main Idea
Tone & Mood

Which is the correct way to list multiple items: 

T-shirt, pants, socks and sneakers OR

T-shirt, pants, socks, and sneakers

T-shirt, pants, socks, and sneakers


What is onomatopoeia?

A word that imitates a sound. For example BOOM! Moo. CRASH! Beep!


What is the definition of main idea? 

The central message or topic within a text.


What is a theme?

A theme is a universal idea, lesson, or message explored throughout a work of literature.


What is mood?

The overall feeling, or atmosphere, of a text, often created by the author's use of imagery and word choice.


What is the past tense of hold?



What is the difference between a simile and a metaphor? 

Similes make the comparison by saying that something is like or as something else but metaphors make the comparison by saying that something is something else.


It takes the Earth 365 and 1/4 days to fully orbit the sun. Every 4 years, there is a Leap Year. During Leap Year there are 366 days in the year. This is a result of the time that is collected by the 1/4 day.

What is the main idea?

Leap year occurs every 4 years. 


List 3 themes that can be found in literary work.

Revenge, Love, Power, Greed, Appearance versus reality, heroism, Good versus evil, survival, courage, wisdom, family, friendship, identity, hope, fate versus free will...


What is tone?

The attitude of a writer toward a subject or an audience that is conveyed through word choice and the style of the writing.


Which conjunction fits best in this sentence?

Hillary loves going to the beach _____ Stephanie does not.



What are the three main forms of rhetorical appeals? 

Ethos, Pathos, Logos


There are many different ways to make a friend. One way to make a friend is to be a friend. If someone needs you, be there. Second, remember that everyone is a different person. Respect the way other people are, and get to know them. They will respect you, and want to get to know you too.

What is the main idea?

There are many ways to make a friend.


In the 2003 Pixar movie, Finding Nemo, what is the overarching theme?

Never give up.


What is the tone?

The wind blew softly through the long grass, making it sway slowly back and forth. At the edge of the forest, a small rabbit nibbled at some clover, and a man and a woman strolled down the path, hand in hand.



Which is the correct adjective/adverb form?

She sings more quietly OR She sings quieter

She sings more quietly


If ethos is an ethical or credible appeal, and logos is a  logical and factual appeal, what type of appeal is pathos?

Pathos is an emotional appeal. 


Novels and short stories are types of fiction. Drama is another example. Fairy tales and fables are also fiction. It is a type of narrative writing that comes from the imagination of the author rather than from history or fact.

What is the main idea?

There are different types of fictional stories. 


In the 2013 Disney movie, Frozen, what is the overarching theme?

Be true to yourself / Embrace who you are.


What is the mood?

There was nothing for miles and miles. Pamela surveyed the empty street in front of her, dusty from not being used. In the distance, she heard a vicious howl and then screaming. She had to find shelter soon.



What two functions does an apostrophe serve?

Possession (Jimmy's) and contractions (can't)


This sentence is an example of which figurative language device?

He was shot by Cupid's arrow. 



Shortly after a loved one has died, grieving people often experience physical discomfort such as shortness of breath and tightness of the throat. Grieving people may also experience a sense of numbness. Another common emotion of the bereaved is feelings of detachment from others.

What is the main idea?

People experience grief in different ways.


In the 2010 Disney movie, Tangled, what is the overarching theme?

You can't let your fear hold you back.


What is the mood?

Everyone had done all they could. There was nothing left to do but wait and find out the results. Mr. Smith crossed his fingers that everything would work out, even though this kind of surgery could be dangerous. Considering that Amelia was in the care of the best surgeons in the city, it seemed almost obvious that she would be fine.
