Look Both Ways
The Outsiders
New Kid
Twelfth Night

This is the author of Look Both Ways

Who is Jason Reynolds?


This is what you should do to names, titles, and the first word in a sentence

What is capitalize?


These are the names of the Curtis brothers

What are Ponyboy, Sodapop, and Darry?


This is the name of the protagonist 

Double points if you remember his last name!

What is Jordan Banks?


This is what separates Sebastian and Viola

What is a shipwreck?


This was the name of Pia's skateboard that broke when it got hit by a car

What is Skitter?


Jump, run, talk, dream, and eat are all these part of speech

What are verbs?


This character served as a spy for the greasers after Bob was killed

Who is Cherry Valance?


This is what RAD (the acronym for Jordan's school) stands for

What is Riverdale Academy Day?


This is why Maria plots revenge

What is Malvolio blaming her for Sir Toby and Sir Andrew's parties?


This video game was used as a metaphor for inner conflict and interpersonal conflict

What is Call of Duty?


This is the sentence rewritten with correct apostrophes: Bobs son wanted to go to the Washington Monument so he took his friends car.

What is: Bob's son wanted to go to the Washington Monument, so he took his friend's car.


We listened to this song, and compared it to Dally telling Ponyboy: "get tough like me and nothing can touch you." 

Double points if you can name the artist! 

What is "I am a Rock" by Simon and Garfunkle 


This is the name of the book that the librarian gives to Maury

What is "Mean Streets of South Uptown?"


Antonio asks for this back, but Viola has no idea what he's talking about

What is his wallet / purse?


This was a reoccurring line in each story

What is "a school bus falling from the sky?"


Instead of connecting two complete ideas with a comma and a conjunction (but, or, yet, for, and, nor, so), or splitting the ideas into two sentences, you can use this piece of punctuation.

What is a semicolon? 


When Ponyboy says "the other guy was human too," this is who he was referring to

Who is Randy?


This is who Jordan is talking to when he says, “Oh, I see… It’s okay that this stuff happens to us… It’s just not okay for us to complain about it”

Who is Ms. Rawle? 


This is what Malvolio asks for when he is locked away in a dark room

Light, a paper, and ink


This was the name of the school where the characters attended

What is Latimer Middle School?


This is the sentence with all corrections fixed: Thats his homework its incomplete but hes going to turn it in late after the classes quiz.

What is: That's his homework; it's incomplete, but he's going to turn it in late after the class's quiz. 


This was the headline in the newspaper after Ponyboy, Johnny, and Dally saved the kids in the fire. 

What is "Juvenile Delinquents Turn Heroes"


Liam gave Jordan this/these gift(s) for Christmas

What is NBA 2K Deluxe and Salmon Shorts


This is Sebastian and Viola's father's name?

What is Sebastian?