What is the definition of Rectitude?
Morally correct behavior; uprightedness; righteousness
What is the noun form of the verb "concede"
This rhetorical style uses logic and facts
Logos; Appeal to Reason
What is the style that the documents of the foundation of the United States written in?
Approval; Agreement; Logical Belief
How do you turn the adjective "quick" into an adverb?
This rhetorical style appeals to the person's character and/or status
This style uses similar words, clauses, phrases, sentence structure, or other grammatical elements to emphasize similar ideas in a sentence
Limit; Shorten
It refers to something happening now; a lot of people know what's going on now
This rhetorical style uses exaggerations, stories, and anecdotes
Pathos; Appeal to Emotion
What is the definition of Infallibility?
Inability to be in Error; Inerrant; Not Wrong
What does the Latin root "rect" in "correct mean?
Right or Straight
This rhetorical style leans heavily exaggerated vocabulary
What is the convention that uses multiple commas in a row
Serial Commas; Sequential Commas
What is the definition of Loathsome?
Repulsive; Causing Hatred or Disgust
This rhetorical style is a statement or proposition that seems self-contradictory or absurd but in reality expresses a possible truth
How did the writers of the Bill of Rights frame the amendments?