“Sus” is the short version of the word…
Under the weather
Sick or Sad
Break down
Stop functioning (vehicle, machine)
What gets wet while drying?
A towel
By The Way
What do you mean by 'spilling the tea'?
A piece of cake
Find out
I am an odd number. Take away a letter and I become even. What number am I?
Sun Protection Factor
What happens to a person who undergoes a dramatic change for the better in their appearance?
They have a “glow up”
Hit the sack
Go to sleep
Come across something
Find unexpectedly / by chance
What is 3/7 chicken, 2/3 cat, and 2/4 goat?
Greatest Of All Time
Boomers served in the army; millennials serve food; Gen Z-ers serve looks. What does it mean to “serve”?
To look really good, to say something witty, to slay
The person we were just talking about showed up!
Speak of the devil
Get away with something
Do without being noticed or punished
What kind of tree can you carry in your hand?
A palm
Rolling On The Floor Laughing
Sea life term for making romantic overtures online using false ID; you’ve been…
You’ve been catfished
There's no point complaining about something that cannot be fixed
Don't cry over spilt milk
Make up (at least 6 meanings)
1. to put together; compose; compound
2. to form; constitute
3. to invent; create
4. to complete by providing what is lacking
5. to compensate (for)
6. to arrange
7. a. to become friendly again after a disagreement or quarrel
b. to settle (an argument or differences) in a friendly manner
8. a. to put on what is required for a role in a play, as a costume, wig, greasepaint, rouge, powder, etc.
b. to put cosmetics on
9. to resolve or decide (one's mind)
10. to select and arrange type, illustrations, etc. for (a book, magazine, page, etc.)
11. to make up your bed
12. to make your room
Who makes it, has no need of it. Who buys it, has no use for it. Who uses it can neither see nor feel it. What is it?
A coffin
You Only Live Once