Enlightenment Thinkers
American Independence
Rhetorical Devices
Daily Double 100 and Final Jeopardy 500

Thoreau’s home at Walden Pond symbolized this key Transcendentalist value.  

What is simplicity?


This Enlightenment thinker emphasized natural rights and government accountability.

Who is John Locke?


What is the primary purpose of Patrick Henry's speech to the Virginia Convention?

What is to persuade the delegates to take up arms against Britain?


This rhetorical device is used in the question found in Patrick Henry's "Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death" : "Shall we gather strength by irresolution and inaction?"

What is a rhetorical question?


What was the primary purpose of Prince Hall’s petition to the Massachusetts General Assembly?

What is to advocate for the abolition of slavery and the natural rights of African Americans?


This Patrick Henry phrase is an example of repetition and became the speech's most famous line.

What is "Give me liberty or give me death"?


Thoreau’s phrase "a man is rich in proportion to the number of things he can afford to let alone" suggests this philosophy.

What is true wealth comes from simplicity and self-restraint?


Go to Daily Double 100:  You may wager any amount from $0 to your currant score: no-one else except the choosing team may answer the daily double. 


Thomas Paine’s Common Sense argued this about Britain’s governance of America.

What is Britain governs America out of self-interest and exploitation?


Paine’s phrase "the royal brute of Great Britain" exemplifies this rhetorical device.

What is metaphor?


The main theme conveyed through McCandless’ story.

What is the tension between individualism and community?


Thoreau sold the Hollowell farm back to its owner because of this reason.

What is the owner’s wife changed her mind, and Thoreau decided to be generous?


Rousseau’s concept of the "general will" refers to this idea.

What is the collective will of the majority for the common good?


Prince Hall’s petition argues that slavery is inconsistent with this principle that America was fighting for during the Revolutionary War.

What is liberty?


Paine’s use of "There is something absurd, in supposing a Continent to be perpetually governed by an island" is an example of this rhetorical technique.  

What is irony?


Hall’s petition specifically asks that the children of enslaved people be freed upon reaching this age.

What is 21 years old?


According to Emerson, "A foolish consistency is the hobgoblin of little minds" implies this about individuality.

What is blindly following routine stifles creativity and growth?


A defining feature of Enlightenment literature.

What is an emphasis on scientific rationalism and reason?


Paine argued America should seek independence for this reason.

What is dependence on Britain harms America’s economic and political future?


The literary technique Thoreau uses to criticize materialism in his writings.

What is satire?


This theme connects Thoreau’s philosophy to McCandless’ journey.

What is living deliberately and confronting life’s essential truths?


This Transcendentalist metaphor conveys connection to _____ and divine insight: "I become a transparent eyeball."

What is Emerson’s connection to nature?


 Montesquieu is best known for advocating this governmental principle.

What is separation of powers?


Hall’s petition references this religious figure to highlight the hypocrisy of a “Christian” nation practicing slavery.

Who is Jesus?


Paine uses this rhetorical appeal to argue that "A government of our own is our natural right."

What is ethos?


What is the "lamp of experience" that guides Patrick Henry's arguments?

What is his reliance on past events to predict future outcomes?


This American philosopher and author argued for self-reliance, emphasizing that individuals must trust their intuition and inner voice as the ultimate source of truth.

Who is Ralph Waldo Emerson?