How do tou spell the word ¨horse¨?
Find the next word ¨/ˈlaɪən/ ¨
lion- león
Mention an example using possessive adjectives
THis is HER notebook.
Mention 5 words related to SCHOOL
Pencil, pen, backpack, notebook, book, etc.
How do you spell the word ¨Karaoke¨?
Find the next word ¨/ˈkrɒkədaɪl/ ¨
crocodile- cocodrilo
Mention an example using possessive pronouns.
This book is ours.
Mention 5 words related to HOME
Family, bedroom, kitchen, spoon, bed, etc.
How do you spell the word ¨could¨?
Find the next word ¨/ˈbʌtəflaɪ/ ¨
butterfly- mariposa
Mention an example using object pronouns
I am talking to HIM.
Mention 10 words related to MEDICINE area.
Medicine, doctor, hospital, disease, sick, disabled, drugs, drugstore, pharmacy, nurse.
How do you spell the word ¨comb¨?
Find the next word ¨/ɡəˈrɪlə/ ¨
gorilla- gorila
Mention an example using reflexive pronouns
They only worry by thyemselves.
Mention 10 words related to ART area.
Painting, drawing, sculpture, play, theater, comedy, tragedy, orchestra, music, dance, poetry, potery, etc.
How do you spell the word ¨Choir¨?
Find the next word ¨/ˈsiːɡʌl/ ¨
seagull- gaviota
Mention an example using relative pronouns.
That is the woman WHOM I talked yesterday.
I don´t know WHO you are.
This the famous THAT I admire the most.
This is the skirt WHICH I wear more frecquently.
That is the girl, WHOSE dad is an engineer.
Mention 10 university careers
Phsychologist, Doctor, Nutitionist, Teacher, Engineer, Architect, Scientist, Therapist, Designer, Programmer, etc.