What is the definition of culture shock?
It is what people feel when they move to a different country with different lifestyle and culture.
spiral stairway
Honvágyam van.
I'm homesick.
Which phase of culture shock is when you are fascinated by everything in a foreign country?
Honeymoon phase
Pest vármegye
Pest County
egyszintes ház
Tudnál nekem szállást adni amikor Rómába jövök?
Could you put me up when I come to Rome?
hozzászokik (one word)
rövidebb idő alatt
in a shorter period of time
How long does it take for people to get used to a new culture?
6-12 months
It can be ... (nehéz) to ... (kapcsolatban maradni) with your ... (szeretteid).
difficult, stay in touch, loved ones
explore your new s.. (környezeted)
Hogyan tudok túljutni ezeken a problémákon?
How can I get over these problems?
miss out on something
kimarad vmiből
külföldre utazni munka vagy tanulás miatt
move abroad for work or study
... (azon gondolkoztam) if you could ... (levenni a hangerőt).
I was wondering, turn down the volume
A nővérem már nem lakik velünk, rég elköltözött.
My sister doesn't live with us anymore, she moved out a long time ago.
How can you make friends in a completely new environment? (2 things)
Join the local library, sign up for classes/sports
Az igazság az, hogy sok nehézséggel nézünk szembe és még most is próbálunk hozzászokni.
The truth is that we face many difficulties and we're still trying to get used to it.
tanulmányok kimutatták
studies have shown
far from the hustle and the bustle of city life
The quality of the food I serve affects the mood of the customers.