How do you say elevator in British?
How do you call a species that can birth something?
What does the flag of the USA look like?
50 stars and 13 stripes
What is an animal that can eat hay?
What is a typical food in the UK?
Fish and Chips
How do you spell 238?
two hundred and thirty eight
What does the UK stands for?
United Kingdom
How do you spell 126?
one hundred and twenty six
What is the UK flag?
The combination of all of the countries in the UK
How do you spell 我今天很无聊 in English?
I am bored today
What is the capital of the USA?
Washington D.C.
What is the Independence Day of the USA?
July 1st
What’s the king of the UK?
King Charles the III
What is the capital of UK?
What is the typical food of USA?
What is the England flag?
Red cross and white background
What countries does it include in the UK?
England, Northern Ireland, Scotland, Wales
Hahah got tricked
How do you say movimento in English?
English is a language created by?
Angels, Saxons and Jules
What did the LEGO name stands for?
The danish word Leg godt (play well)
Who created Lego?
Ole Kirk Christiansen
What were the 13 colonies? (Name at least one)
Maryland, Virginia, Connecticut, Delaware, Georgia, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, North Carolina, South Carolina and Massachusetts Bay