Is this sentence correct:
He run every day
Is not correct: He runs every day
Complete this sentence:
I…..(read) when the accident… (happen)
Was reading/ happened
How do we form the present perfect?
Have/has + past participle
A person who is always telling other people what to do in a way that is annoying.
Complete the past simple and participle of this verb
Can we put the verb understand in a continuous form?
No, because it’s a state verb
Is this sentence correct:
I heared something strange yesterday
No: I heard something strange yesterday
Complete the sentences:
Nick…….. (collect) football stamps since he was a child. He has more than four hundred of them
Has been collecting
A large sea fish that lives in North Atlantic
Complete the past simple and participle of this verb
Is this sentence correct:
My sister is always shouting
Is correct ✅
What tense do we use to describe scenes in a story or give a description.
Past continuous
What tense do we use for predictions based on evidence?
Be going to
A vehicle for passengers, which travels along metal tracks in the street.
Complete the past simple and participle of this verb
When is the verb to be used as an state verb?
When is a fact
Correct the mistake in this sentece:
We would have a dog
We used to have a dog
Which tense is used in this sentence
She will be having lunch at one o’clock tomorrow
Future continuous
The part of a town or city that are furthest from the centre
Complete the past simple and participle of this verb
Correct the mistakes of this sentece:
John is very sociable right now. He are normally very shy
John is being very sociable right now. He is normally very shy
Is this sentence correct:
we are used to city life. We moved here ten years ago.
Correct the mistakes of this sentence
The movie lasts two hours and it beings at 10. At 12:45 we will have watch the movie.
Will have watched
Very pleasing or attractive
Complete the past simple and participle of this verb:
split up/…./….
Split up/spilt up/split up