Unscramble the letters :
Name 3 sour fruits
lemon, lime, pineapple, kiwi
You are at McDonalds and want to order something.
Tell me how you would order something at McDoanlds
Answers may vary.
The woman/women is talking.
Baby dog is puppy
What is a baby of a bear?
He is the son of my sister. He is my ________________.
What is the ninth month of the year?
What word is the opposite of "safe"?
You are the son of my son. You are ...?
My grandson
Name 3 animals that begin with the letter F
Fox, Frog, Flamingo, Fly...
Pizza, Hamburger, Pasta, Steak, Pancake ETC*
Name 3 countries that speaks English.
USA (America)
What word is the opposite of "cheap"?
Expensive, costly, overpriced, pricey
What were they doing yesterday at 6:00 p.m.?
They were swimming.
What is the plural of the word "tooth"?
Name 5 sports that have the word "ball" in the word.
Basketball, Football, Baseball, Handball, Volleyball...
What is the plural of "mouse"?
What 4 countries conform the United Kingdom?
England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland
What is the capital of England?
Rearrange the sentence:
my goes he sometimes when the bored friend to pool is
My friend sometimes goes to the pool when he is bored.
Name 2 countries that starts with the letter "J."
Japan, Jordan, Jamaica...
How many stars are on the U.S. flag ?
50 stars (because there are 50 states)
What does "Break the ice." mean?
Vancouver is in Canada. YES or NO
Answers can vary*
How many letters are in the English alphabet?
What is the difference between their and they're?
"Their" = 소유격 형용사
"They're" = 그들은 (They are)
I am a 6 letter word, and my name also refers to a big bird that can't fly. What country am I?
How much is 1 Dollar in Won today?
What is the plural of "goose"?
Fix this sentence:
My sister and me taked are dog to the park.
My sister and I took our dog to the park.
What is a baby cat called?
A kitten
What animal is this?
Name 10 different jobs/professions in English
I'm very slow when I walk but I'm very fast in the water. I carry a house on my back. What am I?
Say this number correctly: 2,576,800,500.
Two billion, five hundred and seventy-six million, eight hundred thousand, (and) five hundred.