What is the plural of "person"?
It is people.
How do the children feel? (name adjectives)
The children are happy/feel good/excited.
The children eat / eats salad at lunch.
The children eat salad at lunch.
Name 5 sour fruits
Kiwi, Pineapple, Lemon, Lime, Orange
I adore/adoring travelling to America.
I adore travelling to America.
Which is bigger: a lake or a stream?
A lake is bigger.
What is the plural of the word "tooth"?
It is teeth.
What word is the opposite of "safe"?
It is dangerous.
What does she enjoy to do? Say it in a sentence.
The woman enjoys driving her car.
What is the name of your English teacher in this class?
Mrs. Albina, Ms. Ángela, Ms. Sati & Ms. Aiya
Find the mistake: She eat an apple every morning.
She eats an apple every morning.
What is the singular of children?
Child is the singular of children.
What word is the opposite of "cheap"?
Expensive, costly, overpriced or pricey can be opposite words.
Make this into a sentence.
They are best friends. / The three girls love swimming.
What month has only 28 days?
February has only 28 days.
Name 3 holidays in America.
New Year's Day, Martin Luther King Jr. Day, Washington's Birthday, Memorial Day, Juneteenth National Independence Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Columbus Day, Veterans Day, Thanksgiving, Christmas Day
What is the plural of "mouse"?
It is mice.
What is the opposite of tiny?
big, huge, gigantic, enormous can be opposites.
What are the names of 3 planets in English?
Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune (Pluto?)
Rearrange the sentence:
my goes never the friend to pool
My friend never goes to the pool.
What is a noun?
It is a word used to name a place, person, thing or idea.
Who flies an aeroplane?
A pilot flies an aeroplane.
Name 4 continents.
Asia, Africa, North America, South America, Antarctica, Europe, Australia
I doesn't like / don't play the piano often.
I don't play the piano often.
Make a simple present tense question.
(Answer may vary)
How many letters are in the English alphabet?
There are 26 letters in the alphabet.
True or False
The U.S. flag has 50 stars, which represents 50 different major cities.
What are the four seasons of the year?
They are summer, fall/autumn, winter and spring.
What animal is this?
It is a hedgehog.
How many syllables does 'umbrella' have?
There are 3 um-brel-la.
Name 5 English song names
(Answer may vary)
How much is this $1,450,000
It is one million four hundred fifty dollars.