S/R #1
S/R #2
S/R # 3
S/R #4
When acquiring a language, what is the human standard sequence of learning?
Who states that we learn: 10% of what we read only 20% of what we hear 30% of what we see 50% of what we both see and hear 70% of what is discussed with others 80% of what we experience personally 90% of what we teach someone else
Glasser's Theory
What is the name for the feeling that one's own language is the superior language?
Language ego
What do ESL and EFL stand for?
English as a Second Language and English as a Foreign Language
What is anything that makes you uncomfortable, interfering with your "safe place" or your affective domain?
Affective Filter
What is the method where students memorize and listen; this supposedly helps them learn the right pronunciation of the L2? Hint: The Monterey Institute of Foreign Languages implements this method
Audio-lingual Method (ALM)
What is using kinesthetic movements to induce language acquisition?
Total Physical Response (TPR)
What is motivation that is driven by the need to learn a language/culture (i.e. for a job)? What is the motivation that is driven by one's determination to acquire a new language and its culture?
Instrumental (Extrinsic) Motivation & Integrative (Intrinsic)
What are the four H's (stages) of acculturation?
Honeymoon Horror Humor Home
What is tolerance of ambiguity?
Being comfortable not understanding.
What is Enlightened Eclecticism?
An instructor who uses a variety of different methods and approaches to reach various types of students in different and unique ways. (i.e. Dr. Skryker)
What are the four stages of the Natural Approach?
1. Preproduction/"Silent Period" 2. Early Production/1 or 2 words only 3. Speech Emerges/ Telegraphic speech 4. Intermediate Fluency/ Full sentences, engages in dialog
What method refers to using all sources available to teach language skills? The teacher integrates academic content with language skills that are centered on a content topic (i.e. going to an amusement park) aka Styker's favorite method
Content Based Instruction (CBI)
What skills are acquired in Basic Interpersonal Communication Skills (BICS)? What skills are acquired in Cognitive/Academic Language Proficiency (CALP)?
BICS = Listening/Speaking CALPS = Reading/Writing
What are techniques?
Activities, your "bag of tricks"
What is the smallest unit of sound that changes meaning? (i.e. -ed)
Lenneberg first described this period as being between the ages of 2-13, but now it is between 0-5. After this period, second language acquisition becomes more of a struggle.
Critical Period
What is: 1. Lower Inhibitions 2. Encourages Risk Taking 3. Building Self-confidence 4. Develop Intrinsic Motivation 5. Engage in Cooperative Learning 6. Use Right Brain Approaches 7. Promote Ambiguity Tolerance 8. Practice Intuition 9. Process Error Feedback 10. Set Personal Goals
Brown's 10 Commandments
Give an example of non-verbal communication?
- Kinesic (Body Language) - Facial expressions - Eye Contact - Touching - Proxemics
What is used to identify individual preferences, approaches, and orientations? (i.e. Extroversion vs. Introversion)
Meyers-Briggs Types
What is Noam Chomsky's theory of how humans acquire languages? Hint: Associated with this method is the concept of deep and surface structure.
Language Acquisition Device
What is the theory that provides information as to people's preferred learning styles, as well as their behavioral and working styles, and their natural strengths. (i.e. Kinesthetic learners, linguistic learners, musical learners etc.)
Gardner's Theory of Multiple Intelligences
This theory of the brain suggest that: a) different sides of the brain control different "modes" of thinking and b) that we all have a preference for one or the other of these modes. (extra 100 points if your team can give examples of both)
Left/Right Brain Thinking
What happens in the error correction process if the teacher fails to correct any errors?
The students may fossilize at a level below their potential. They may also get the impression that the teacher isn't interested in helping them.
What is Krashen's Input Hypothesis?
The input should be one step higher than the student's competence. The formula is (i+1). The most important thing is that students practice speaking with someone who is at a higher level of competence than they are.