Folk Tales/Myths
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What is an autobiography?
A story told by the main character.
Fantastic elements (things, characters, or objects that are magical) are found in what type of story? A) articles B) biographies C) folk tales D) novels
C) folk tales
In a fictional story, the events that occur throughout the story are called what? A) antagonist B)protagonist C) climax D) plot
D) plot
Identify the figure of speech in the sentence: The peaceful lake was a mirror. A) metaphor B) personification C) hyperbole D) simile
A) metaphor
What makes A Long Walk to Freedom by the author Nelson Mandela an autobiography? A) It's a mixture of fiction and fact B) It's a true story about a person's life written by another person. C) It's a true story about a person's life written by that person D) It's a made up story.
C) It's a true story about a person's life written by that person
True or False: Fairy Tales and Folk Tales are made just for entertainment and can only be found in certain parts of the world.
False: They both try to teach something AND are usually told in different forms all over the world!!
For a writing to be considered a "short story" it has about how many pages? A)more than 100 B) less than 100 C) between 20-100 D) 5-20
D) 5-20
Identify the figure of speech: The stars danced playfully in the moonlit sky. A) personification B) metaphor C) simile D) idiom
A) personification
Two types of non-fiction writing that discuss LIMITED topics are: A) biographies and autobiographies B) articles and essays C) short stories and autobiographies D) biographies and short stories
B) articles and essays
Which of the following is TRUE about Greek and Roman myths? A) They try to explain forces of nature and the universe B) They try to explain mysterious forces performed by ordinary people C) They were only passed on by mouth and did not appear in of the Greek or Roman art. D) They were true stories that were recorded in their history
A) They try to explain forces of nature and the universe
True or False: In both fiction and nonfiction writing, they often reveal important truths.
True-Remember the term "truths" refer to life lessons and themes.
Which of the following is NOT true about literary themes? A) they are ideas the writers want to communicate B) they are directly stated. C) Can only be expressed in a complete sentence. D) Focus on the big ideas of life
B) are directly stated.
Read the following excerpt: Giardiasis is an intestinal disease caused by Giardia lamblia, a water-borne protozoan. Giardia is carried by humans and some domestic and wild animals. Giardia may contaminate lakes and streams. All water or melted snow must be treated by boiling for at least five minutes, using an iodine-based purifier or using a Giardia-rated water filter. Associated symptoms include chronic diarrhea, abdominal cramps, bloating, fatigue, and loss of weight. Treatment by a physician is necessary to kill the organisms. Giardiasis is _________ A) is a bacteria found in fruits and vegetables. B) a mountain in Yosemite C) a disease that causes stomach problems D) a sickness that is similar to the common cold.
C) a disease that causes stomach problems
Which of the following is NOT a common motif in folk tales or fairy tales? A) the number three or three of something B) a missing object ( ex: Cinderella's missing glass slipper) C) common character types (ex: a wicked step mother) D) shapes that change form (ex: pumpkin into the Cinderella's carriage) E) The Greek God Hades
E) The Greek God Hades
_________ are those events or circumstances that make it hard for the character to get what he or she wants. A) Complications B) Foreshadowing C) External conflicts D) Resolutions
A) Complications
Identify the figure of speech: A Chip On Your Shoulder A) simile B) metaphor C) idiom D) personification
C) Idiom- A Chip On Your Shoulder means being upset for something that happened in the past.
Which of the following is not part of a plot diagram? A) Climax B) Introduction C) Complications (or rising action) D) Resolution E) antagonist
E) antagonist