Types of Characters
Plot Structure

Inference is a fancy word for? (answer should be 2 words)

What is an educated guess?

When an author TELLS you a character's personality traits.

What is direct characterization?


This type of character does not have many character traits that make them unique. They are very 1 dimensional. 

What is a flat character?


Who does Alburnett play in Football this friday?

Who is Lisbon?


Part of the story where the setting and characters are introduced

What is exposition?


To make an inference, you have to put these 2 things together

What are facts plus what you know about life?


When an author SHOWS you a character's personality traits through their actions.

What is indirect characterization?


This type of character undergoes a substantial change throughout the story

What is a dynamic character?

What is the name of the short story we read this year about the love potion and "life cleaner?"

What is "The Chaser?"


The most exciting part of the story

What is the climax?

The two different types of inferences...

What are logical and illogical inferences


Name this type of characterization: The shy boy turned bright red when the teacher called on him to answer a question in class.

What is direct characterization?


Squidward largely stays the same grumpy, unmotivated, bitter character throughout all episodes of "Spongebob." Because of this, he is what type of character?

What is a static character?


The name of the short story where a young man hopes to get his license but ends up being dragged from a room and taken away.

What is "The Test"


This impacts the way characters speak, dress, think, etc.

What is the setting?


If a street musician is playing downtown on a Saturday night with an empty jar in front of him, you can infer... 

He isn't a very talented musician 


What character traits does Jeff possess? 

Jeff walked up to Mark and took his sandwich off of his plate. He took a bite, smirked at Mark, and then walked away.

What is Rude, intimidating, etc (answers may vary)


When we first meet this type of character, we think there isn't much to them, however as the story goes on, we learn that there is much more to their character than we initially thought.

What is a round character?


If you aren't happy with the grade you received on an assessment, you have this long to let Mr. Shoemaker know you would like to reassess.

What is 5 days?


The feeling or atmosphere of a story

What is mood?

His feet tapped the floor rapidly as he thought to himself, "why didn't I just volunteer to go first." He heard the rattle of the coffee mug from the front of the room. There couldn't be more than 3 popsicle sticks left from the initial 25. Time seemed to freeze momentarily until he heard the three-lettered word he had been dreading all week... "BEN." 

Infer what is happening here...

What is a class speech/presentation?


What does each letter of S.T.E.A.L represents?

What is 


T- Thoughts

E- Effect on others

A- Actions

L- Looks


This type of character is very one dimensional and often stereotypical. They usually aren't very important to the overall story.

What is a flat character?


The loudest animal in the world...

What is the Blue Whale?


This part of the story is the longest. This is where suspense continues to build.

What is rising action?