What country does the story The Seventh Man take place in?
What is the name of the island the ship is going past?
Ship Trap Island
To what country were Pi and his family emigrating to?
Name one of the men in the story
Louie, Phil, or Mac
Why wasn't Captain Bonnenberger culpable for Specialist Pulaski's death?
He died in a bar far way.
something that indicates coming death or destruction
What was an important talent the K. had?
He was a painter. (artist)
How did General Zaroff know who Rainsford was?
He had read Rainsford's book.
Why didn't Pi want to kill the fish?
He was vegetarian
Where did Louie hide from the bomber's bullets?
Under the raft
How do service members talk about each other that shows love and duty?
doing something in a persistent way; not giving up
How did K.'s parents treat the Seventh Man after the incident?
They were not angry at him.
What crime does Rainsford accuse General Zaroff of?
How did Pi feel killing the Dorado?
Strong, brave, savage
From what country were the men who were shooting at them?
What vocabulary word could you use to describe the luck you have to living when someone else dies?
exchanging things with others for mutual benefit
What did the Seventh Man do in the weeks following the incident?
He was in the hospital and recovering at home.
What thing of importance did Zaroff lose in the Death Swamp?
a dog
Where did Pi sleep at night?
On the 2nd raft
What was the biggest threat the men faced?
What is it called when you feel bad for surviving something others didn't?
survivor guilt
something that is a complete failure and has turned into chaos
What does the Seventh Man realize at the end of the story?
His fear was unfounded/K. was never mad at him/ it wasn't really his fault
Why did Rainsford jump into the sea?
Zaroff and the dogs were chasing him.
Why was it important that Pi feed Richard Parker?
So Richard Parker wouldn't eat him.
When Louie touched the shark, what did it feel like?
Who did Capt. John Prior get ahold of after Private Mayek's death?
His mother (Mayek's)
act or duty that is very important or required
What did the wave symbolize to the Seventh Man throughout his life?
What surprise did General Zaroff find in his room that night?
What was the main problem Pi faced in the passage we read? (Hint: NOT the tiger)
He didn't have any bait
What did the men see at the end of the story?
an island
What does the Marine motto Semper Fidelis mean?
Always faithful
to escape from danger or enemies in a skillful or planned way