Blinding lights
Which song is sung by "The weekend"?
Me before you
In which movie a millionaire is helped by an enthusiastic young lady?
Which character is meant to be Mickey Mouse's best friend?
Mine craft
With which video game things are constructed?
Which connector is used to introduce a person?
I took a pill in Ibiza
Which song is sung by Mike Posner?
Spider Man
In which movie the superhero is bitten by a spider?
Which character is transformed into an Ogre within the sunset?
Mario Bros
In which video game Luigi and Mario are presented as brothers?
Which connector is used to introduce possession?
Which song is sung by Ed Sheeran?
The fault of our stars
In which movie two sick teenagers are condemned to death?
Which character was taken to the jungle and raised by gorillas?
Pac Man
In which video game the principal character is chased by ghosts?
Which connector is used to introduce places?
Get lucky
Which theme was performed by Daft Punk?
Stars War
In which movie Darth Vader is presented as an evil character?
The baby girl in Monsters Inc
Who was called "Boo"?
Iron Man UVR
In which video game a Virtual Reality helmet will be needed?
Which connector is used to give an explanation?
Stole the show
Which song is sung by Kygo?
In which movie an aquatic man is forced to fight a battle?
Which toy was replaced by another similar toy?
Resident Evil 3D
In which videogame Zombies are killed?
Which connector is used to introduce a thing?