Literary Terms
Sentence Structure
Instructional Vocabulary

The attitude of the author

What is tone

The three options for dividing and conquering a run-on sentence.
What are 1) a period 2) a comma conjunction 3) a semicolon
Correct this sentence: On the other side of the world, the same three stars has traditionally represented three zebras.
What is "have traditionally represented"
When something is left out or removed from a sentence/paragraph.
What is omit
Create a simile
What is " ____ is like/as ____ blank"
The literary term being exemplified here: The massive beast in the Sandlot had a fitting but terrifying name -- Hercules.
What is allusion
Correct the following sentence (do not create 2 sentences): Stars play different roles around the world, their dazzling careers span thousands of years.
What is "Stars play different roles around the world, AND their dazzling careers span thousands of years."
The superior (and correct) punctuation for this sentence: "We became inseparable childhood friends, and we remained close; even though we attended different high schools." Be able to explain why.
What is a comma instead of a semicolon.
The part before, in a sentence/paragraph.
What is preceding
Ogres are like ____? This is an example of a _____
What are onions and a simile
A strategy used by the townspeople in the following example: Roy was 6'7" as a sophomore in high school and could bench press his own father. He enjoyed the satisfaction he got from sweating and beating others, so everyone in his new town assumed they'd see him on the gridiron.
What is inferring
Create an appositive to correct this sentence: In some cases, the pattern, or constellation may be a figure with a different meaning.
What is "the pattern, or constellation, may be..."
Correct the following sentence: All of the rust-red mustangs gorges themselves on oats and barley at the end of each run.
What is "All... gorge..."
Another option, a viable replacement
What is an alternative
" were Romeo, you were throwing pebbles, And my daddy said, "Stay away from Juliet" are lines from a Taylor Swift song incorporating a literary term.
What is allusion
The purpose of the following paragraph: "Few people know that the Amazon is one of the most rapidly urbanizing regions of the world," observes Jose Lopez, a Ford Foundation program officer in BRazil. The city of Manaus, for example, has grown in the past decade from 850,000 to 1.5 million. "This rural-urban migration and the resultant urban shanty-towns stand as living symbols of failed or nonexistent rural development policies," Lopez says. "In many places, small-scale rural producers have been abandoned -- devoid of health and education services... What Rubens Gomes, founder of the workshop school, and his colleagues have created in Manaus is hope."
What is explain the necessity of ventures such as Gomes's
Correct the following sentence: In the mythology, of the Tswana people of South Africa, these same stars represent 3 pigs.
What is "In the mythology (omit the comma) of the Tswana people of South Africa," (keep the comma to separate the introductory phrase/dependent clause)
When it is unclear who/what the author is referring to, such as in the following example: FDR and his cabinet were known for their progressive programs during the Great Depression. They created jobs for some, but cost many others their livelihood.
What is ambiguous, or an ambiguous pronoun (Does "they" refer to FDR and his cabinet or does "they" refer to the progressive programs?)
Define primarily as it is used in this sentence: If the writer were to delete the preceding sentence, the essay would primarily lose...
What is for the most part, mainly, fundamentally,etc.
Krispy Kreme; Coca-Cola; and Bed, Bath, and Beyond are all companies employing ______ in their brand name.
What is alliteration
Example: The fire was a massive snake, slithering along the river's edge, licking the rocks and eating the underbrush as it went.
What is a metaphor
A group of words containing a subject and a predicate that cannot stand on it's own.
What is a dependent clause
What this sentence employs: This summer I will be touring Iceland, hiking the emerald hills of the Lake District, and gorging myself on gelato in Italy.
What is parallel structure
The point the author is trying to get across in a paragraph or the reason for including a paragraph in a selection of writing.
What is the main idea/purpose
Identify the literary period associated with each author: Thomas Jefferson ("The Declaration of Independence") Ralph Waldo Emerson ("I went to the woods to live deliberately and see what life could teach me..." Edgar Allan Poe ("Annabel Lee") Suzanne Collins (The Hunger Games)
What is colonial transcendental gothic (Romantic) post-modern/contemporary