However, the students were worried about the class pet and it's different behavior.
Her third album, Party Time, had 5 consecutive number-one hits, a feat that were last accomplished by Jimi Hendrix.
that was last accomplished
What is missing from this sentence?
Walking into the car dealership dressed in a suit and tie, took the car for a test drive
The subject
How many questions are on the English ACT?
To change; a verb
What is affect?
Timothy feels the strong desire to create and innovate new ideas these ideas sometimes differ.
new ideas; these
Today, the upbeat tone of the typical Friday tends to fade when there was a major test on the last day of the week.
there is a major test
Richardson spent he next five hours on a typical patrol. Driving around the city with his new partner, making stops, and even handcuffing a suspect.
1. patrol, driving
2. patrol. He drove
3. patrol; he drove
How many questions are on the Reading ACT?
The result of a change; noun
What is effect?
The water bottle however was not a real Stanley.
bottle, however, was
It is real difficult to understand why we have to take the ACT.
It is really difficult
Soon after, they played their second Super Bowl, Super Bowl 50; and they went on to win again.
50, and
How long do you have on the English ACT?
45 minutes
A number of a pair
What is two?
The team was close to a victory when Bill Sanders, star forward Johnny Sanders' father, threw something at the referee.
Johnny Sanders's
The famous couple, who fans referred to as "Bradgelina," got divorced shortly after marrying.
couple, whom fans referred to
Only the team who chose this may play this question, OR they can chose another team to get this question.
What is the choice?
Correct this sentence:
Every zombie must consume flesh if they want to live.
How long do you have on the Reading ACT?
35 minutes
A preposition for this stem: I go __ school at 5:30 am.
What is 'to'?
As a result, the stock nearly quadrupled in price, there were 30 million shares in his name.
As a result, the stock nearly quadrupled in price; there were 30 million shares in his name
A law prohibiting whale fishing in Lake Erie has been on the books since the 1800s, but they were never enforced.
but it was never enforced
You can either chose to play this question or give the question to another group. Only that group may answer.
What do you choose?
The audience clapped their hands when the superhero defeated the villian.
Give the correct order of the 4 tests on the ACT
English, Math, Reading, Science
To be awake and not knocked out
What is 'conscious'?