What is a noun?
A person, place, thing or idea.
What is a Land Acknowledgement?
It is a statement that we make to acknowledge that Indigenous land was taken by settlers and colonizers.
What is a comedy?
Something that makes you laugh.
What is a Democracy?
A kind of government where people vote to choose their leader.
When you are reading out loud, you should pause for commas and periods and change your voice for an exclamation mark and question mark.
What is a verb?
An action word.
What is Colonization?
When people from another country come and take land and resources without permission.
What is a Horror Story?
A story that makes you feel scared.
What is a Dictatorship?
A kind of government where the leader takes and keeps power by force.
The Provincial government is responsible for Healthcare.
What is and adjective?
A describing word for a noun.
What is an example of Wabanaki art?
What is a Romance?
A story that focuses on partner relationships.
What is a Federal Government?
A government that is responsible for a whole country.
A Dystopian book is about a version of the world where everything is perfect.
What is an adverb?
A describing word for a verb.
What is Orange Shirt Day for?
Remembering residential schools and Truth and Reconciliation.
What is a Mystery?
A story where you don't know what's happening until the very end.
What is a Provincial Government?
A government that is responsible for a province in a country.
The Provincial Government is responsible for highways.
What are the three things a sentence needs?
A noun, a verb and punctuation.
What is Reconciliation?
Apologizing and also trying to find ways to fix it.
What is a Biography?
A book that is written about a person's life.
What is a Municipal Govenrment?
A government that is responsible for a city.
Money made - Money spent to start the business = Profit.