Which is the British word?
Trash can or Bin?
The English language and the Swedish language are from the same language family.
true or false?
Name one reason why people sailed to America.
Religious freedom, They wanted a better life
Which is the British word?
Biscuit or Cookie?
Who was Shakespeare? Name one of his works.
A British writer.
works ex. Romeo and Juliette, Othello, Halmlet, Lady McBeth, Julius Cesar.
What kind of people did the British send to their colonies in Australia?
Which is the British spelling?
Colour or Color?
Name two countries which speak English due to colonization.
ex. India, South Africa, Australia, USA, Jamaica, Canada
"The sun never set on the British Empire"
How much of the world was under British rule by the end of the 19th century?
Around half the world
Translate: В начале 19 века.
In the early 19th century.
Which is the British word?
Autumn or Fall?
Around what year did people start speaking "modern English"?
How did English spread after WW2?
Increased American influence
Electro-technical revolution (the Internet and other media, music, movies)
What does B.C stand for?
Before Christ
Which is the british word?
Movie theater or Cinema?
How many new words did English get from the Norman conquest?
What happened to the Native populations of America and Australia when people started to settle?
The were forced away from their lands, many died from new diseases or from conflicts.
What does A.D stand for?
Anno Domini