Organizational Patterns
Main Idea, Supporting Details, & Summary
Context Clues
Inferences & Conclusions
Fact & Opinion

The Chronological/Sequential organizational pattern tells readers about events or instructions in the order of __________.

What is time?


These support the main idea by giving explanations or examples .

What are supporting details?


Everyone else at the party wanted garbage pizza but Tim because he DETESTED vegetables.

This is the meaning of the word "detested".

What is hate, loathe, or dislike?


“Tommy!”  Mom called out as she walked in the front door.  “Tommy,” she continued shouting, “I sure could use some help with these groceries.  There was still no reply.  Mom walked into the kitchen to put the grocery bags down on the counter when she noticed shattered glass from the picture window all over the living room floor and a baseball not far from there.  “You're in so much trouble, Tommy,” Mom said as she realized that Tommy’s shoes were gone.

This is the cause of Mom's reaction.

What is Tommy breaking a window by hitting a baseball through it?


This is the difference between a fact and an opinion.

What is the fact being true and provable, and the opinion depending on each person's beliefs and preferences?


To write an article discussing the similarities and differences between the state of Virginia and the state of Maryland, an author should use this organizational pattern.

What is Compare and Contrast?


A reader can use repeated words, headings, titles, and illustrations to find this in a text.

What is the main idea?


When Kiki got a tiny cut on her pinky finger, she became very MELODRAMATIC and began sobbing and demanding a doctor.

This is the meaning of the word "melodramatic".

What is dramatic, crazy, or being crazier than normal?


Kyle ran into his house, slamming the door behind him.  He threw his book bag on the floor and plopped onto the couch.  After six hours of playing Grand Larceny VII, he ate some pizza and fell asleep with a slice on his stomach and his feet on his book bag. When Kyle came home from school the next day, he was noticeably distraught.  He balled up his report card and placed it inside a soup can in the garbage. He then flipped the soup can upside down in the garbage can and arranged loose pieces of trash over it.  As he plopped down on the couch, he let out a sigh and picked up his controller.

This is the cause of Kyle's reaction.

What is Kyle's bad report card?


The following sentence is ___________.

"Pineapple should not be put on pizza."

What is an opinion?


An author uses this type of organizational pattern to discuss something wrong in the world and then gives possible ways to fix the issue.

What is Problem and Solution?


In the Summary method "SUM", the "M" stands for this.

What is "Main Ideas Only"?


Unlike Bob, who treated others rudely and kept to himself, Ricky was JOVIAL, friendly, and outgoing.

What is the definition of the word "jovial"?   

What is friendly or outgoing?


Cassie rolled over in her bed as she felt the sunlight hit her face.  The beams were warming the back of her neck when she slowly realized that it was a Thursday, and she felt a little too good for a Thursday.  Struggling to open her eyes, she looked up at the clock. “9:48,” she shouted, “Holy cow!”  Cassie jumped out of bed, threw on the first outfit that she grabbed, brushed her teeth in two swipes, threw her books into her backpack, and then ran out the door.

This is the reason for Cassie's reaction.

What is being late for school?


The following sentence is ___________.

"John Mulaney is a talented comedian."

What is an opinion?


An author uses this organizational pattern to explain an event and the consequences or reactions of that event.

What is Cause and Effect?


The first or second sentence in a paragraph that explains what the paragraph will discuss is usually called this.

What is a topic sentence?


With the field torn up by the players’ cleats, and the cold rain falling in waves, conditions on the playing field were dismal, or negative. 

This is the definition of the word "dismal".

What is negative?


Anastasia sat by the fountain in the park with her head in her palms.  She was weeping mournfully and her clothing was disheveled.  In between gasps and sobs, Anastasia cried out, "John, why?! Why would you do this to me?!”  Then her cell phone beeped.  Her hand ran into her purse and her heart fluttered.  The text message was from John.  She opened up the message and read the few bare words, “I need to get my jacket back from you.”  Anastasia threw her head into her arms and continued sobbing. 

This is the cause of Anastasia's emotions.

What is John breaking up with Anastasia?


The following sentence is ___________.

"Some people are convinced that dragons once existed."

What is a fact?


All, always, never, and every are some of the signal words for this type of organizational pattern.

What are Generalizations?


Most summaries should use this organizational pattern.

What is Chronological?


Grandpa didn’t know that Suzie was coming along on the fishing trip, and now he had to ALTER his plans.

This is the definition of the word "alter".

What is change or adjust?


Kelvin was waiting in front of the corner store at 3:56.  His muscles were tense and he was sweating a bit more than usual.  The other kids gathered in front of the little storefront were much more relaxed, even playful.  They joked back and forth lightly to each other but for Kelvin, time slowed.  3:57.  “Don’t worry, Kelvin.  He ain’t even gonna show up.”  Kelvin hoped that he wouldn’t.  A black four-door Camry with tinted windows pulled up and parked across the street.  Kelvin gulped.  3:58.  A group of teenagers piled out of the car.  James was in the front.  “Hi-ya, Kelvin.  Glad you could make it,” James said.  Kelvin felt smaller.

This is what is about to happen with James and Kelvin.

What is James beating up Kelvin?

If you see one or more of these words in a sentence, that is a clue that the sentence is an opinion.

What are "think", "should", or "believe"?