What part of speech is the italicized word?
Joshua enjoyed his Genshin Impact pie from Mcdonald's.
Verb or Predicate
What type of conjunction is both, and?
What type of sentence is this?
Stop eating so much food.
Is this a sentence, fragment, comma splice, or fused sentence?
My brother made it all the way to college he's working on a degree as we speak.
Fused sentence
What is the predicate in this sentence?
There is a man named Eli who likes to play videogames.
How many prepositional phrases are in this sentence?
The goldfish inside my lunchbox cause my heart to beat below my feet.
What kind of conjunction is yet?
What type of sentence is this?
Why mom, I'm on a bulk?
Is this a sentence, fragment, comma splice, or fused sentence?
Doesn't eat cheese sandwiches.
Wow, that Genshin Impact pie was good.
What part of speech is the italicized word?
The children shun vegetables because they taste bad.
What is the conjunction(s)?
Neither vegetables nor fruit taste good
Neither, Nor
What type of sentence is this?
Eli, you're going to gain a lot of weight.
Is this a sentence, fragment, comma splice, or fused sentence?
He wants to be a movie director, I hope he's successful.
1. Hershey's or Feastables
2. Lunchables or Lunchly
1. Feastables
2. Lunchly
What part of speech is the italicized word?
There is an unhealthy amount of cheese inside my body.
What words is the conjunction joining?
The wolf attacked but the sigma defended Ohio.
Wolf and Sigma
What type of sentence is this?
Eat your vegetables!
Is this a sentence, fragment, comma splice, or fused sentence?
My mom packs a cheese sandwich for me every day.
What is the Predicate?
Eli, Come down here and finish your sixteenth big mac!
How many verbs are in this sentence?
I swim sometimes but I like eating fries very sloppily even more.
What does FANBOYS stand for?
For, and, nor, but, or, yet, so
What type of sentence is this?
No mom, no vegetables, I'm on a bulk!
Is this a sentence, fragment, comma splice, or fused sentence?
I don't know if I want to go to college, I might not be able to go to college.
Comma Splice
What is the indirect object.
Ayden's mom packed him a cheese sandwich.