Personality traits
Common errors
Question tags
Clauses and conditionals
Cassie is quite happy to change her plans when necessary to suit her students needs. She is not rigid. She is ___________
What is flexible?
Please be ___ time for the meeting.
What is on?
Jan: Let's do something fun later. I'm boring! Cassie: Ok, let's have a party then.
What is "I'm bored" ?
Add a question tag to the following sentence: "That wasn't a very interesting presentation ___ ___?
What is "was it"?
Combine the sentence using a non-defining relative clause: New Orleans is in the south of the USA. Jazz is very popular there.
What is "New Orleans, where jazz is very popular, is in the South of the USA."
Everyone loves Philipp Schröder. He's very friendly and he likes chatting with new people and making connections with them. His warm personality and social nature makes him very popular with guests at a party. He's a very __________ person.
What is outgoing?
I'm ___ the process of looking for a new job.
What is in?
Waiter: What would you like to drink? Jan: I take a coffee please.
What is: "I'll have a coffee please." "I'll take a coffee please."
The negotiations have been going pretty well ____ ____?
What is "haven't they?"
My mother had a lovely birthday party. She is 75 now.
What is "My mother, who is 75 now, had a lovely birthday party."
First, Frederick said he was going to apply for the job. Then, he said he would stay where he was. Then, yesterday he said he wanted to change careers altogether. He's so ______________. I have no idea what he's planning.
What is indecisive?
He's away ___ business for the next five days. May I take a message?
What is on?
I went to the bank, than I went to Migros and on the way home, I ate an ice cream.
What is "then (not than)"?
It's your birthday tomorrow, ____ __?
What is "isn't it"?
If a friend invites me for coffee after class, ____ say yes.
What is "I'll (I will)" ?
I couldn't find the mistake in the figures, so I asked Michael to take a look at it. He started at the beginning, read every page and systematically worked out what the problem was. Michael's approach to problem-solving is ______________.
What is methodical?
___ the end of the day, all these inspiration boards and brainstorming aren't going to cut it. We need to make a decision and get back to the client.
What is at?
Cassie: How's it going? Jan: I'm going well.
What is "It's going well."
The manager won't finish late, ____ ____?
What is "will he"?
If I ____ a shark in the ocean, I ____ never ___ in the water again."
What is "saw...would/go or swim"
When Lukas has made his mind up about something, nothing will stop him. So, if he says he wants to win the contest for "most innovative railway design 2014," that's what he'll do. He's the most ___________ person I've ever met.
What is determined?
I work ___ sales for the retail company Brooks Brothers.
What is in?
Cassie: Are you meeting up with Johannes again soon? Jan: Yes, we see us later.
What is "we're seeing each other later"?
Nobody was on time today ____ ____?
What is "were they?"
Finish the sentence. Make the sentence sound unlikely. "If a business partner (offer) me a bribe, I ..."
What is "If a business partner offered me a bribe, I (would + verb in present tense) no."