Assessment & Assignments
Miscellaneous 1
Classroom Policies
Academic Integrity
Miscellaneous 2
What are the graded assignments/activities this semester?
Multimedia Narrative, Analysis, Annotated Bibliography, Research Essay, Problem/Solution, Portfolio Reflection, and Writing Workshop (In-Class Activities)
What is your professor's name? Spell it correctly.
Professor Anne Greenawalt
What materials should you bring to every class?
Both textbooks and writer's notebook
What is Academic Dishonesty?
Academic Dishonesty includes plagiarism, cheating, falsifying data or citations, assisting others in acts of academic dishonesty, submitting others' work as your own, submitting your own work that you created for another course, and tampering with another student's work.
How do you know the due date of an assignment?
All due dates are listed online.
Which assignment(s) is worth the most points towards your final semester grade?
Multimedia Narrative, Research Essay, and Problem/Solution Essay
What is the best way to contact your professor?
By email or during office hours
What do you do if you're absent?
Speak to the professor or classmates to find out what you missed. Also check the lecture notes/PowerPoints online.
What is plagiarism?
Submitting words, ideas, or essays that are not your own
True or False: Grammar is the most important aspect of writing in this course.
False! Grammar is important clear, concise communication, but the focus of this course is on many aspects of academic writing.
What happens if you do not submit an assignment by the due date?
You receive 0 points for the assignment.
What textbooks are required for this course?
Cohen, Samuel. 50 Essays: A Portable Anthology. Bedford/St. Martin’s, 2017. (5th Edition) Hacker, Diana and Nancy Sommers. A Pocket Style Manual. Bedford/St. Martin’s, 2015. (7th Edition)
What do you need to do/to have to come to class prepared?
Bring both textbooks and your writer's notebook Complete any homework assignments before class starts Bring a positive attitude
What happens if you are caught in acts of Academic Dishonesty?
You could fail an assignment, the entire course, and/or get expelled from the university.
How can you find out if class has been cancelled or delayed?
Sign up for campus alerts. The professor will also post notices of delays/cancellations online.
How are you able to receive an extension on an assignment?
If you speak with the instructor at least 24 hours before the assignment is due, you are likely to receive an extension.
What do you do if you need extra help with your writing beyond the in-class instruction?
Attend the professor's office hours or visit the writing center for tutoring.
Can you use your cell phone during class.
No, unless the professor has asked you to use it for an in-class activity.
How do you avoid plagiarism?
Follow academic guidelines for paraphrasing, quoting, and citing material from your sources.
Where will you find information about changes to the course schedule?
The professor will announce changes in class, by email, and post them online.
Are you able to make up in-class assignments?
No, but it doesn't necessarily lower your grade. You will receive a Writing Workshop grade that is like a class participation grade. Lecture notes/PowerPoints will be available online after the class in which they're used.
How does Professor Greenawalt spend most of her free time?
What happens if the professor can see you texting during class?
If you're texting while she's speaking/lecturing, she may ask you to put your phone away. If you're texting during group/in-class activities, it will negatively affect your Writing Workshop (in-class activities) grade.
What does it mean to have academic integrity?
Act in an open, honest, and responsible manner Respect all people's dignity, rights, and property Help to create and maintain a safe environment for all
What are Professor Greenawalt's dogs' names?
Ellie and Coda BONUS 100 point: Ellie and Coda are both mixed breeds, but which breed does each most resemble?