Rainbow's End
Analysing Argument
Sunset Boulevard

What does Rumbalara mean?

Rainbow's End

Harrison uses irony here to highlight the notion that circumstances for Aboriginal people were not in fact comparable to a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow. 


Where can I find out handy information about the context of the article?

Background information!


Who plays the role of Norma Desmond?

Gloria Swanson


List three comparative terms/phrases.

Similarly, in contrast, contrastingly, whereas, however, correspondingly, conversely, unlike, etc. 


Discuss Harrison's purpose in creating this play.

Harrison was commissioned to write about 'unsung heroes'. She chose to focus on women to highlight how instrumental they are in ensuring families persevere with a sense of culture, tradition and love. 


List five negative tones.

Condescending, sarcastic, aggravated, frustrated, solemn, critical, sarcastic, frightened, condemning, annoyed, pessimistic, worried, etc.


How many Academy Awards did Sunset Boulevard win?



What structure do we use for AA?

What, how, why, how, why...


Who says this quote and why is it significant?

 "It's like your family is from another country or something." page 170

Errol; this highlights Errol's oblivious nature, his ingrained belief that Western ways of living are superior and 'normal' and the segregation of Aboriginal people in the 50s.

List five positive tones.

Hopeful, optimistic, compassionate, determined, confident, polite, enthusiastic, excited, respectful, appreciative, etc.


What is the name of the film that Norma Desmond believes will be her comeback?



What should you include in a conclusion for text response?

Restate your contention, briefly list your key arguments, discuss the broader views and values of the author(s)!


Identify two symbols in the play and explain what they represent.

Encyclopaedias - knowledge, particularly the perceived superiority of white knowledge during the 50s

Whiteness - shown through the gloves, shoes, Ajax cleaning product, skin whitening cream, the stark, clinical and cold nature of Rumbalara. Symbolic of assimilation. 

Hessian - segregation and wilful ignorance by white people of the poor conditions that Aboriginal people must endure.


List five neutral tones.

Rational, reflective, impartial, authoritative, knowledgable, informed.


Which character says this quote: "I just think that pictures should say a little something."

Betty Schafeer


What should you include in an introduction (section a)?

Name of the author/director(s) and text(s), year the text was created, some context about the text(s), a strong contention, the three key ideas you will discuss. Your intro must also be specific to the prompt!


What do the dream sequences represent?

The dream sequences represent the women's hope for a better life where they are treated as equals and are afforded opportunities. The stark reality of their position is accentuated by the return of harsh lighting when the dream sequence ends.


What do I discuss for the why? element of my paragraphs?

How the reader/audience is positioned to FEEL, ACT or THINK. You must be specific and think about the overall purpose of the piece you are analysing.


What does the final scene, where Norma descends the staircase, symbolize?

Her complete descent into madness and her final performance.


What should you include in an AA introduction?

Context, issue, author, article, form, publication details, audience, contention, arguments, (tone).