Past modals
Verbs often confused
Would rather
Verbs of senses
The body

Complete the second sentence so that it means the same as the first.

I'm almost sure you left your phone in the restaurant.

You ________________ your phone in the restaurant.

must have left


Choose the correct verb.

Please, remind / remember the children to do their homework.



Complete the second sentence so that it means the same as the first.

What would you prefer to do tonight, go out or stay in?

What ___________tonight, go out or stay in?

would you rather do


Complete the second sentence so that it means the same as the first.

I think somebody has tried to break in.

It looks _____________ somebody has tried to break in.

as if


Choose the word that is different.

palm / calf / wrist / thumb



Complete the second sentence so that it means the same as the first.

Why didn't you tell me it was your birthday?

You ____________________ me it was your birthday!

should have told


Choose the correct verb.

I'm terribly sorry. - Don't worry. It doesn't mind / matter.



Rewrite the sentences using would rather.

I'd prefer to stay at home tonight. I'm exhausted.

I'd rather stay at home.


Complete the second sentence so that it means the same as the first.

This meat has a very similar taste to beef.

This meat __________ beef.

tastes like


Choose the word that is different.

wink / wave / hold / touch



Complete the second sentence so that it means the same as the first.

I'm sure the backpackers haven't got lost.

The backpackers ________________ .

can't have got lost


Choose the correct verb.

The robbers stole / robbed $50,000 from the bank.



Rewrite the sentences using would rather.

I'd prefer not to go shopping today. The shops will be really crowded.

I'd rather not go shopping today.


Complete the second sentence so that it means the same as the first.

My brother is a waiter in a restaurant.

My brother works ________________ in a restaurant.

as a waiter


Choose the word that is different.

kidney / lung / hip / liver



Complete with an appropriate past modal.

1 I ________ (leave) my bag in the car. I definitely had it when I got in.

2 You  ________ (spend) so long in the sun. You look as if you’ve got sunburn.

1 must have left

2 shouldn't have spent


Choose the correct verb.

If you know the answer, raise / rise your hand, don't shout.



Rewrite the sentences using would rather.

1 Would Karen prefer to work fro herself or for a company?

2 Would you prefer to get a takeaway or go out for dinner?

1 Would Karen rather work for herself or for a company?

2 Would you rather get a takeaway or go out for dinner?


Complete the sentences with missing words.

1 This shirt feels _____ it’s made of really good quality cotton.

2 You look ______ you’ve had some bad news. Are you OK?

1 as if

2 as if 


Write the verb for the definitions.

1 to bite the food into small pieces in your mouth

2 to rub your skin with your nails

1 chew

2 scratch


Complete with an appropriate past modal.

1 You ________ (ask) before you borrowed my car! I thought it had been stolen!

2 I think the kids ________ (go)swimming. They’ve taken towels from the bathroom.

1 should have asked

2 must have gone


Choose the correct verb.

1 Don't discuss / argue about it! You know that I'm right.

2 My brother refuses / denies to admit that he has a problem.  

1 argue

2 refuses


Rewrite the sentences using would rather.

1 Hamish would prefer not to work at night, but he doesn't have any choice.

2 I'd prefer not to see my in-laws so often, but they live nearby.

1 Hamish would rather not work at night...

2 I'd rather not see my in-laws so often...


Complete the sentences with missing words.

1 That cake ________ delicious. Can I try a piece?

2 You look freezing! You look ________ you’ve been in the Arctic!

1 smells

2 as if


Write the verb for the definitions.

1 to look at smth or smb for a long time

2 to make a serious, angry, or worried expression

1 stare

2 frown