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This is why Keisha gets her flowers taken away.

What is she accidentally knocked off a bud?


This is what Ally did to get out of writing.

What is put her arm in a fake sling? 


This is who Ally  invites to sit with her and Keisha at lunch.

What is Albert? 


This is why something happens.

What is cause? 


This is what happens.

What is effect?


This is why Keisha and Ally were both smiling when they walked on stage.

What is Shay didn't win because Keisha didn't feel less than everyone else?


This is what Ally means when she says "I stare at the letters and watch them dance and move?"

What is the letters do not make sense to her?


This is effect of Shay making fun of Albert's shirt and telling him about her new purple sweater being the color of royalty.

What is Albert tells Shay purple is made of snail slime?


This is the cause of Ally realizing she should not have wanted to be Shay's friend.

What is Ally finding out Shay charges money for her friendship bracelets? 


This is what it means when Albert says the refrigerator is empty and has been unplugged for a week.

What is they don't have food?


This is the importance of this quote: "Most teachers seem to like their students to be all the same - perfect and quiet. Mr. Daniels actually seems to like that we're different.

What is Mr. Daniels values each student and their unique skills?


This is why Albert has bruises and what he does about it.

What is a group of boys picks on Albert, and he does nothing?


This is how Ally was feeling when the substitute teacher says in front of the class that ally can draw a picture instead of write about a brave person.

What is embarrassed?


These are character traits.

What are words used to describe someone's personality?


This is putting events in the correct order that they happened in a story.

What is sequencing?


This is what the title of the books means and how it relates to Ally.

What is if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will spend its life thinking it's stupid, and Mr. Daniels is trying to convince Ally she will eventually learn to read?


This is the main idea of chapters 38 Loser for President and 39 To-Shay.

What is class president election?


This is why Shay wanted to vote by having everyone raise their hands.

What is trying to intimidate everyone to vote for her? 


This is why Shay was looking around the room wondering where she fit in.

What is Shay didn't have a group of friends anymore?


This is what Albert did that was a tremendous achievement.

What is sticking up for his friends?


This is the climax of the story.

What is Ally learning to read, becoming brave and having friends?


This is why Travis was asking Ally about Mr. Daniels helping her after school.

What is he wants to learn to read? 


This is a universal message throughout a story.

What is theme?


These the themes of Fish in a Tree.

What are friendship, perseverance, bravery, attitude, trust and belonging?


This show perseverance in the story.

What is Ally working with Mr. Daniels after school and reading a book to do a project?